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CA/Bug Triage

1,100 bytes removed, 00:37, 30 March 2017
Removed links to the old/obsolete queries
* [ [ca-in-discussion]] -- in discussion in the forum.
* [ [ca-discussion-hold]] -- discussion on hold, pending CA actions.
** Current query: Whiteboard contains [ discussion on hold]
* [ [ca-hold]] -- CA's request is on hold, typically because the CA is a super-CA, so all of their subCAs have to achieve inclusion first.
* [ [ca-pending-approval]] -- final notice of intent to approve the CA's request
** Current query: Whiteboard contains [ pending approval]
* [ [ca-approved]] -- request is approved, pending code changes in NSS, also including certs which are in NSS and pending code changes in PSM
** Current query: Whiteboard contains [ approved]
** Current query: Whiteboard contains [ awaiting PSM]
=== CA Audit Statement Bugs ===
Confirm, administrator

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