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CA/Bug Triage

252 bytes removed, 19:18, 21 November 2022
fixed the bugzilla query links
Open Auditor Compliance bugs:
<br /><br />
The whiteboard tags for [ CA Program :: CA Certificate Compliance] are:* [ &#91;ca-compliance&#93;] -- For concerns about a CA's certificates failing to comply with [ Mozilla's CA Certificate Policy] and/or the [ CA/Browser Forum's Baseline Requirements], and it is not considered to be an [ imminent security concern].* [ &#91;auditor-compliance&#93;] -- For concerns about an auditor failing to properly detect and report on CA compliance issues that occurred during one or more periods when the CA was audited.* [ &#91;delayed-revocation-ca&#93;] or [ &#91;delayed-revocation-leaf&#93;] -- appended after [ca-compliance] whenever a CA fails to abide by the Baseline Requirements' requirement to revoke certificates in a timely fashion.* [ &#91;audit-delay&#93;] -- appended after [ca-compliance] when a CA is unable to provide audit statements within one year and 3 months of the previous audit period end date.* [ &#91;covid-19&#93;] -- appended after [ca-compliance], [audit-delay], or [delayed-revocation-ca] when delays are due to mandated restrictions regarding COVID-19.
= Root Inclusion/Change requests and EV Treatment Enablement Requests=
Confirm, administrator

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