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199 bytes added, 02:36, 7 September 2005
Unclaimed Tasks
* Bugzilla User Integration
* Attachments
* Suites
** Litmus needs to support the creation of test suites, a arbitrary ordered collections of individual tests, subgroups, and testgroups. [[User:Zachlipton|Zachlipton]] 08:49, 8 Aug 2005 (PDT)
* New features created by schema
** Coop's new schema has paved the way for some additional features for us to support. These include:
**** Take advantage of the test_result_bugs table and the tests.regression_bug_id column to allow users to link tests and testresults with bugs.
*** Log File Support
**** Build UI for the fields created in test_result_logs.
== Claimed Tasks ==

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