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1,599 bytes added, 21:25, 12 October 2005
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== Unclaimed Tasks ==
* '''Administration Interface* / Bugzilla User Integration* Attachments* Suites** ''': there is currently no authentication in Litmus needs to support . We accept the first email address the creation of test suitesuser provides when testing, use this to build a arbitrary ordered collections of individual testscookie, subgroupsand then never let them change it (without removing the cookie, and testgroupsof course). [[UserWe need to implement proper authentication:Zachlipton|Zachlipton]] 08:49, 8 Aug 2005 (PDT)* New features created by schema* mirror existing Bugzilla login information. This should be synced at some regular interval;** Coop's new schema has paved the way for some additional features for us allow users to support. These include:login/logout from within Litmus;**auto-populate all email fields with current credentials from cookie when present;* Support for multiple comments per testresult. * redirect through login screen when login credentials are not present;**redirect users without Bugzilla accounts to Bugzilla. ** Currently '''Attachments''': do we place the contents of the "notes" field provided at result submission time into still have a new comment and attach it need for attachments? We're not trying to the test resultreplace Bugzilla here, but and there needs 's a pretty high potential for abuse. We might want to be a way allow this for community proposals for other users changes to add additional comments latertest cases. These  * '''Bugzilla Bug Integration''': automatically mark-up bugs numbers in comments need and test steps/expected results as links to Bugzilla. * '''Log File Support''': Build UI for display of result logs, which will now be displayed held in show_testthe database to facilitate comparison.cgi * '''Test list add/edit/clone''': need to be able to create new test lists, add/edit/reorder test cases within that test list, and be searchablealso clone existing test lists to make it easier to add new lists. *** Bugzilla Bug Integration**** Take advantage of the test_result_bugs table '''Test result/run comparison''': we need to be able to compare single test results head-to-head, and we also need to display comparisons between entri test runs. We can take a page from LXR's book and mark up the testsdeltas in special colors to facilitate comparisons.regression_bug_id column We might also want to allow users use some AJAX to link tests and testresults with bugsroll-up the parts of the comparison that don't differ. *** Log File Support**** Build UI '''Backup/Archive/Purging of old test results''': the first step here will be to determine what our data retention policy will be. Both Bob and Tracy have said that they never need to go back further than one month to compare test results, but their opinions might change if it were easier for them to do so. It might make sense to be able to tag particular test runs, e.g. test runs for the fields created in test_result_logsreleases, with a DO_NOT_PURGE flag so that they can be kept around indefinitely.
== Claimed Tasks ==
=== Chris Cooper ===
* In Progress
** Reporting/Querying '''Migration of New Firefox 1.5 BFTs from Testrunner to Litmus'''** '''General Litmus cleanup prior to community testing debut of Litmus'''*** no results text for statistics*** There needs to be some way to query improve front page UI: login box, make results display less wide, interim logout functionality** '''Test Runs - Design''': this is the testcases and view them major piece that is present in a list format. [ Here's a very rough mockup]Testrunner but still missing in Litmus. I will add my design to [[UserLitmus:Zachlipton|ZachliptonDesign#Replicate_Testrunner_Functionality]] 14:40, 27 Jul 2005 (PDT)*** determine what other reporting functions at which point I should have many smaller subtasks to add to the unclaimed task pool above. At the very least, we will need, and how QA people need to be able to viewthe basic add/edit/sort those resultsclone functionality.
* Completed Tasks
** '''Reporting/Querying''' ** '''New Schema'''** '''UI Improvement'''*** [ bug 302688]** '''Multiple comments and bug numbers per test result'''
=== Jay Patel ===
* In Progress
** '''Add/clone testcase'''** '''Web Services Interface'''
*** Need to have a XML-RPC/SOAP/REST/whatever interface to Litmus to get tests, submit results, etc... [[User:Zachlipton|Zachlipton]] 09:15, 10 Aug 2005 (PDT)
** UI Improvement
*** [ bug 302688]
* Completed Projects
** '''The testdata filter'''
*** The testdata filter (in is in pretty bad shape and needs to get fixed. It likely opens us up to XSS attacks if we actually had a real cookie to attack. [[User:Zachlipton|Zachlipton]] 11:03, 28 Jul 2005 (PDT)
** '''litmusconfig.js'''
*** Select boxes need to be converted to pull data from litmusconfig.js rather than the clunky show/hide div approach. [[User:Zachlipton|Zachlipton]] 15:47, 29 Jul 2005 (PDT)
** Precompile '''Precompiled templates'''
Canmove, confirm

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