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Talk:Firefox/Namoroka/Initial Plan

315 bytes added, 21:44, 3 July 2009
no edit summary
I suggest that the browser should provide
* a mechanism to store named relations between bookmarked URLs
* a UI for presentation an manipulation of a set of related bookmarks, e.g. "http://foo/stuff redirected from: http://foo/1, http://bar"
* automatic detection of some common situations and propose a useful action to the user, e.g.
** asking whether a canonicalized URL should be stored instead of the actual URL
** asking whether the https URL should be opened instead of the actual http URL
Of course, the browser should have asserted that the content is really equivalent, which may require advanced techniques. An interesting complement to algorithms may be using a browser extension and/or a wiki to crowdsource sets of equivalent URLs.
Extensions could provide more complex functionality, like processing doap files into a set of bookmarks related to the project for fast access to various ressourcesresources.

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