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2,956 bytes added, 17:33, 3 January 2010
Created page with '=Summary= * '''Goal:''' To establish Mozilla as the leading publicly supported charity building and protecting the open Internet *'''Description:''' Mozilla fundraising and eng…'

* '''Goal:''' To establish Mozilla as the leading publicly supported charity building and protecting the open Internet

*'''Description:''' Mozilla fundraising and engagement realizes the Mozilla mission by engaging external and internal stakeholders in Mozilla's cause through philanthropy.

*'''Target Audience:''' New Mozilla community members, current community members, new and current Mozilla donors and outward-facing stakeholders

==Explain Mozilla as a cause==
*'''Activity:''' Describe and distill what Mozilla does and why it matters in lay language
**Metric: Create a steering group for development of this new articulation of the Mozilla Message
**Metric: Mentions of Mozilla as a public benefit organization outside of the Mozilla community
**Metric: Increased communications bandwidth via increased followers on Facebook groups, twitter accounts, Op-ed pieces in major papers and major blogs, participation Cause-related communities
**Metric: Executed One Mozilla brand strategy for external audiences
**Metric: Mozilla community members use new language when describing Mozilla and its mission

*'''Activitiy:''' Create Mozilla mission media monitoring report
**Metric: Identification of journalists, bloggers, etc interest in the Mozilla mission
**Metric: Increase in mentions of Mozilla's mission media monitoring

*'''Activity:''' Annual Report (interactive) produced in collaboration with MoCo
**Metric: Donations lift
**Metric: Mentions of Mozilla as a cause in media, blogs, etc.

==Inspire people to donate to the Mozilla cause==
*'''Activity:''' Establish campaigns and ambient pages for donations that support Mozilla's cause
**Metric: Increased traffic and conversions to donation pages (traffic generated through snippets, MoCo traffic, Care2 list building, social media outreach, etc)
**Metric: 10,000 people sign-up for both Donor & Drumbeat Newletters
**Metric: Increased donations for Core and Drumbeat, target $500,000
**Metric: Integrate with MoCo Marketing for better use of traffic and capture

==Protect our public charity status==
*'''Activity:''' Resolve issues with the IRS
**Metric: Raise $125,000.00 through direct donations
**Metric: Increase Mozilla brand awareness as a public benefit organization through the tools mentioned in objective 1
**Metric: Governance and reporting for the Mozilla project

=2010 Timeline=
*CiviCRM launch/continued hacking
*Merchandise production
*Round 1 of Care2 list building
*Mozilla Movie
*Drumbeat campaign development
*Establish communication channels (Core/Drumbeat)
*Newsletters 1

*Drumbeat campaign development
*Newsletters 2
*3.7 Parks
*Begin Mozilla Annual Report process with MoCo
*Thunderbird Beach

*Continued CiviCRM hacking
*Round 2 of Care2 list building
*Drumbeat campaign development
*Newsletters 3

*Holiday campaign
*Drumbeat campaign development
*Newsletters 4
*Firefox 4.0 Parks launch
*Release Mozilla Annual Report

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