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878 bytes added, 10:00, 12 October 2010
CSS vendor prefixes case studies: vendor prefix analyses, supportive external articles
* '''border-radius'''. for a few years now browsers have been implementing ''vendor prefixed'' versions of the border-radius properties, web authors have been experimenting on the web, and the spec has iterated/improved based on feedback. Now we have a well-designed and road-tested 'border-radius' property in a CR spec and implementations are implementing that.
* '''word-wrap vs whitespace: pre-wrap'''. interactions between new properties and new values on existing properties. See this [ example of the property vs value interaction] between the new 'word-wrap' property and the (sometimes prefixed) new 'pre-wrap' value on the 'whitespace' property. The point is to show how prefixing can actually work across different approaches to evolving CSS.
===== CSS vendor prefixes successes =====
Several well known web designers and developers have written at length about the successes of CSS vendor prefixes, and how they have both helped avoid problems from before, and actually improve the evolution of CSS.
* [ A List Apart: Prefix or Posthack] by Eric Meyer
* [ WIRED Webmonkey: Advice From the CSS Guru: Embrace Prefixes] by By Michael Calore
* [ The Haystack: Coping with CSS vendor prefixes] by Stephen Hay
* [ NOT SUPPORTED] by Jonathan Snook
* [ Anne van Kesteren: In defense of CSS prefixes] by Anne van Kesteren
==== analysis of applicability ====
Canmove, confirm

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