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2,335 bytes added, 01:17, 14 October 2010
simple DOM vendor prefixes proposal: add simple protocol schemes proposal and simple HTML5 attributes proposal
Our goal is to establish a convention (like the above) for all such pre-CR DOM APIs that has the consensus of implementers so that we can avoid creating broken versions of APIs
==== simple protocol scheme prefixes proposal ====
The WebSockets specification (and iteration) provides a good example of a W3C Working Draft that has work also going on at the IETF (perhaps primarily), and there is a high likelihood of backwards incompatible changes being made to WebSockets's "ws:" protocol between different versions (-76, -00, -01).
Thus it is worth considering prefixing implementations of the "ws:" protocol in order to break/rev as necessary instead of being locked into a specific draft due to premature reliant adoption.
For all protocol schemes that are:
* Proprietary. No standards organization draft yet published. OR
* In a W3C or IETF working draft, not yet in a Candidate Recommendation, or perhaps public last call for IETF drafts (open to suggestions here).
Use vendor prefixed protocol schemes as follows:
<pre>vendor_prefix - unprefixed_name</pre>
E.g. WebSockets has a new ws: scheme, and we've implemented it in Firefox 4. We really should be using:
Our goal is to establish a convention (like the above) for all such pre-CR protocol schemes that has the consensus of implementers so that we can avoid creating broken versions of protocols.
==== simple HTML attributes prefixes proposal ====
Implementing prefixes on element names doesn't work because you can't have more than one element name per element, and thus prefixed versions would force developers to choose between unprefixed and a particular prefixed version.
However elements do have multiple attributes, and thus prefixing can work for attributes.
For all HTML attributes that are:
* Proprietary. No standards organization draft yet published. OR
* In a W3C working draft (e.g. New in HTML5), not yet in a Candidate Recommendation.
Use vendor prefixed attributes as follows:
<pre>vendor_prefix _ unprefixed_name</pre>
E.g. HTML5 has a new [ 'pattern' attribute], and we've implemented it in Firefox 4. We really should be using:
This works because standard HTML attributes do not use underscores.
Our goal is to establish a convention (like the above) for all such pre-CR new HTML5 attributes that has the consensus of implementers so that we can avoid creating broken versions of elements.
=== UI Layout ===
Canmove, confirm

Navigation menu