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CA/Application Process

2 bytes removed, 00:31, 28 July 2011
Process Overview
# A representative of Mozilla [[CA:How_to_apply#Public_discussion | summarizes the discussion and resulting action items.]]
# A representative of the CA [[CA:How_to_apply#Public_discussion | completes action items resulting from the public discussion,]] which may include updating processes, documentation, and audits.
# A representative of Mozilla [[CA:How_to_apply#Public_discussion | confirms the completion of the action items and starts the a second round of public discussion if needed.]]
# A representative of Mozilla [[CA:How_to_apply#Public_discussion | concludes the public discussion of the CA's request.]]
# A representative of Mozilla [[CA:Tentative_approval_template | summarizes the request and states the intent to approve the request for inclusion.]]
Confirm, administrator

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