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CA/Application Process

69 bytes added, 00:35, 28 July 2011
Process Overview
# A representative of Mozilla [[CA:Tentative_approval_template | summarizes the request and states the intent to approve the request for inclusion.]]
# A representative of Mozilla [[CA:How_to_apply#Inclusion | creates a bug requesting the actual changes in NSS (and PSM for EV treatment).]]
#* A representative of the CA must confirm confirms that all the data in this the NSS bug is correct.#* A representative of Mozilla representative creates a patch with the updated new CA certificates and trust bitsettings, and provides a special test version of Firefox.#* A representative of the CA uses the test version of Firefox to confirm (by adding a comment in this the NSS bug) that the correct certificate (s) is included and that the trust bits have been are correctly updatedset.#* The A representative of Mozilla representative requests that another Mozilla representative review the patch.#* The A representative of Mozilla representative adds (commits) the patch to NSS, then closes this the NSS bug as RESOLVED FIXED.#* At some time after that, various Mozilla products will move to using a version of NSS which contains the certificatechanges. This process is mostly under the control of the release drivers for those products.
== Ways You Can Help ==
Confirm, administrator

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