From MozillaWiki
Open Items
- Next on-site? April?
- Webdev blog redesign
- we should add __ NOTOC __ to this page because I'm scared of the fold
- Browser Choice
- QMO updates
- Firefox.com redirects
- SAMO - mostly search... a lot of tests... some fail...
- Making Fixtures easier to extract.
- jbalogh confirmed that this happened:
- Releasing open-source software
- gettext for our javascripts
- themes & dict page replacements
- some pages to help nick rotate recommended add-ons
- http://zambonithugs.tumblr.com/ ??
failed Moses reenactment
- SUMO 1.5.2 is nearly done already. 1.5.1 is still in blocking hell.
- SUMO 2.x planning.
- Porting SUMO's search engine to Django.
- Sharing a lot of code with AMO, thanks Jeff!
- Set up brown bag today with Spark.
- My favorite photos come from the Hubble.
- I'm back
- This is what happens when I'm forced into boredom for weeks at a time;
- my first ever beading project:
- http://picasaweb.google.com/twobraids/2010#5438900130537670690
- Continuing to work on SUMO 2.0 planning:
- Planning is basically done
- Rough timeline
- PRD for Feedback (formerly CSAT)
- Still waiting on 1.5.1, which is now going to incorporate the EU ballot needed changes as the deadline for that has been moved back. Should push Thursday.
- A bunch of 1.5.2 stuff (focus on mobile.sumo)
- Participated in the mobile postmortem
- Java volunteers needed! :D
- I see morgamic's photo and raise you one Hoff: best photo ever
- BYOB is back, assessing / prioritizing bugs and getting things going again
- Trying to get the Plugin Directory down the home stretch to an alpha launch
- Working the kinks out of a Cassandra-based Weave backend
- This picture cannot be explained.
- working on stats for zamboni
- aggregations are interesting when dealing with serialized data
- ipython is my new BFF thanks to %edit
- it's hard to pick a favorite pic, but here is a recent favorite memory
- Lots of interviews last week (more than normal - 16).
- PFS updates for Flash, AUS reviews
- Blocklist stuff for virus add-ons (need to do an audit this week too)
- I just can't get over this photo for the life of me.
- Test Pilot test cases done, in IT queue for launch
- SUMO forum redesign planning
- BYOB planning
- Blogged about the getfirebug.com redesign
- Webdev blog redesign work, editorial calendar organization
- The most perfect encapsulation of modern day pop culture
- Largely overhead/firedrill in last two weeks
- Fixed production issue for Electrolysis
- Challenging two weeks with IT and Metrics
- Debugged data issue with ADU/Crash Numbers report
- Got Hbase/Hadoop work staged, wrote a patch for bug 538206
- Excited lars is back
- Code review for SUMO
Not around for the meeting today, but here's my update:
- staged Bouncer/Tuxedo. If you have a Bouncer account, you can log in and check it out.
- Ported user profiles to Zamboni, though not sure how to access them on preview(?)
- Made a little Wordpress site for Legal's MPL Revision
- Went to FOSDEM in Brussels
- blogged about Hackability
- got another post about non-relational DBs in web apps almost ready
- Sourceforge uses MongoDB in production, maybe we should pay them a visit sometime and have them tell us about their experiences?
- Back for more AMO. Code freeze will be this week
- L10n, as usual, is troublesome
- I made some pretty awesome sushi yesterday but haven't pulled the pictures off the camera