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In October 2014 we put together a Web Literacy Map v2.0 survey based upon 38 interviews we'd conducted the previous month. This survey contained five proposals. These are below, and form the basis of the community calls in November and December.

Clicking through will (eventually) take you to the results of the survey for each proposal. The overall anonymized results can be found in this spreadsheet.

  • Proposal 1: I believe the Web Literacy Map should explicitly reference the Mozilla manifesto.
  • Proposal 2: I believe the three strands should be renamed 'Reading', 'Writing' and 'Participating'
  • Proposal 3: I believe the Web Literacy Map should look more like a 'map'
  • Proposal 4: I believe that concepts such as 'Mobile', 'Identity', and 'Protecting' should be represented as cross-cutting themes in the Web Literacy Map
  • Proposal 5: I believe a 'remix' button should allow me to remix the Web Literacy Map for my community and context

Note: the survey received most responses in English, but was also available in French, Spanish, Hindi, Malayalam and Indonesian.