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In the community call relating to this proposal, it was decided that:

We should reference the Mozilla Manifesto in the introduction to the Web Literacy Map, and link to the particular relevant principles where appropriate.

Further discussion at this thread in the TeachTheWeb forum .


The community was asked the extent to which they supported the following proposal, using a five-point scale. 5 indicated strong agreement.

Proposal 1: I believe the Web Literacy Map should explicitly reference the Mozilla manifesto.

  • en_UK: 3.80 (138 respondents)
  • es_CL: 4.71 (7 respondents)
  • fr: 3.79 (29 respondents)
  • hi_IN: 5.00 (1 respondent)
  • id_ID: 1.00 (1 respondent)
  • ml_ML: 5.00 (1 respondent)



"Yes, I think it makes sense to link certain competencies to the principles they relate to. Maybe it's more of a "See why Web Literacy matters to Mozilla", an optional layer that can be put "on top". That way people who are interested more in the literacy aspect can choose whether they want to see the underlying social good aspect."

"The map might draw some inspiration, adding more explicit things about advocacy and opportunity. The resources on Webmaker quickly point to the ingredients that the web unique among communications mediums, but the map itself does not."

"The map can be about putting our manifesto and principles into practice. It's a way to teach Mozilla's beliefs."

"It highlights that everyone within society has an important role in using and creating the web rather the being passive users."

"Web Literacy is at the heart of Mozilla so yes there should be direct correlation"

"The principles of the manifesto should be evident, but should not be preached."

"It gives a sense of belonging and explicitly gives out the reason for "Why we do what we do"."

"Often, at most Webmaker events, we normally get started with a reference to the Mozilla Manifesto. It would be nice if the Web literacy Map could portray this."

"Open #FTW!"

"They Both go together, manifesto's reference will help Web literacy maps to make the competencies clearer to understand and also pitch in the base of Open Web."

"Yes I think its a good idea because its builds a connection between Web Literacy and Mozilla."

"Seems like the manifesto is the backbone on which the web literacy map stands. It explains the "why do we need a web literacy map" question."


"It pretty much covers the concept of open web and open source, so it should be there!"

"I often present the main ideas from the Manifesto when introducing the map and Webmaker. This aligns with my teaching practice."

""I think I mostly agree, because the Web Literacy Map itself starts with "Mozilla defines web literacy as ..."."

"人們有權利知道網路該如何被使用,並也有權利去使用它們" ("People have a right to know how the Internet is used, and also have the right to use them")

"I agree, in my view the map should reference the manifesto - certainly in any accompanying text. Within the map https://webmaker.org/en-US%3F/resources - possible use a reference code (eg no /col matches to 10 pts) for each strand?"

"We can not be apart of the educational processes if we want to be involve in the construction of Internet."

"The principles are sound and the Web Literacy Map should be informed by the manifesto. I wonder, however, what might happen if those principles change. "

"The manifesto is the reason and motivation why the web literacy map exists. For this reason there should be at least a small reference."

"This is a sensible suggestion, the web literacy effort is already clearly aligned with the manifesto and its themes of openness, standards and interoperability etc."

"Helps to position the literacy map in relation to a set up principles. Can do it in a 'here's where we're coming from' way rather than a 'this is what everybody should stand for' way..."

"I just have to remember walking around BETT in Jan 2013 to reinforce my belief on the need to explicitly refer to the Mozilla manifesto on the Map. Mooted this thought during the spring 2013 WebLit community discussions on the desirability of an 'Ethics' competency."

"The manifesto would be an asset promoting some really important values, raising awareness of the issues associated with the principles & from the start positively inform & influence in how the map is used. If there is the remix feature of Proposal 5 & you have a different set of values, just leave it out."

"Debería hacer referencia a la filosofía de una web libre, basada en software libre. Las herramientas de webmaker deben ser libres para que la comunidad coopere con ellas." ('Should refer to the philosophy of a free web-based free software. WebMaker tools should be free for the community to cooperate with them.')


"Unsure. The map should be larger than Mozilla. At the same time, Mozilla's mission is also larger than Mozilla."

"I strongly believe that Mozilla should state if this is a Mozilla web lit map or an Open Web Lit Map. That might add fuel to the fire but I think it's why it is so difficult for me to answer this question."

"The manifesto strikes me as the reason we have and promote a web literacy map - and there would be certain elements which would overlap - but explicitly referencing it doesn't seem strictly necessary. At the same time, maybe it is an opportunity to strengthen the idea of why Mozilla is interested in these web literacy skills. (So I guess my feelings are pretty neutral - I'm sorry!)"

"100% yes. The manifesto needs to be much more broadly spread - it is an inviting and inclusive document by nature and it is important that people engaging in our vision of web literacy understand the context from which we speak."

"not sure"

"Torn on this. I think it's important to foreground the initiatives behind this to be transparent about our motivations. However, I don't know if that will arouse any bias for users. I think it's okay for now. "

"I think it is important for Mozilla to embrace its output -- we shouldn't shy away from taking credit for the things we work so hard to produce. But I do not believe Mozilla should try to achieve mission alignment as part of the literacy map: Literacy is a tool that helps people decide for themselves what to believe, and disagreement with Mozilla's manifesto is a valid result of that."

"I think those who use the literacies should know that it is open and they can be involved with remaking it if they want. "

"Probably so as the manifesto is related and relevant."

"Provides a framework."

"If you'd like the map to live beyond Mozilla (even though Mozilla is awesome), embedding that within it affects how it might be used. Therefore, I'm split on this one. If we're really intending the Web Lit Map to be a Mozilla joint, then do it, otherwise, reference it as a best practice where appropriate."

"Not sure if it needs to reference the manifesto, if the principles are followed when needed they would be implicit?"

"Good idea to refer to it, but be sure not to push it too much. Better stay as "vendor-neutral" as possible."

"I cannot immediately think of a a reason for it to be included, however proposing this means that someone sees value in it and I would be most interested in knowing how it can be useful"

"Mozilla has been a great place to learn, share, and build"

"I a wondering about the two way referencing since the Manifesto may cover aspects not covered by WLM"

"I usually refer to Mozilla's mission, but don't necessary refer to Mozilla's mission as Mozilla's manifesto. Depends on who the audience is!"

"While the philosophy behind the manifesto is great the Web Literacy map seems to have many elements of the manifesto present in it's content. Referencing it directly could help to support certain points, but it may not be necessary as the strength of the Web Literacy map speaks for itself. "

"Branding assists, lends authority. But for me there is something missing in the Manifesto about the web as enabling the emergence of a more sustainable world, instead of contributing to the growing ecological crisis."


"I think this would put some people off using the map as an educational resource as they will think it has some political angle to it."

"No it shouldn't. That would make the literacy branded and therefor tainted"

"Bit wary about tying it to a product since the literacies should transcend any particular artifact of the web. There is also a danger of it being pigeon-holed / dismissed as just a 'Firefox' thing (sic)"

"While I like the manifesto, I don't think the Web Literacy Map should be tied to it. I think that might decrease the likelihood of partners feeling ownership over it."

"While I wholeheartedly support the Mozilla Manifesto, I don't think its explicit inclusion in the Web Literacy Map will have much of an effect. The principles outlined in the manifesto are already evident in many sections of the Literacy Map. I do think that linking and acknowledging the Manifesto in the supporting documentation (perhaps in an updated ""Why Mozilla cares about Web Literacy"" article) would make sense, though."

"web literacy" != "mozilla literacy"

"is this a mozilla project or a project driven by a community? If it's not just mozilla, then forcing mozilla branding on it doesn't seem like a good idea."

"The only hesitation I have is that this brands it very strongly as Mozilla, and may make a small section of people less keen to use it as a tool potentially. "

"I suppose it really just comes down to whether the WebLitMap is supposed to be a "neutral" document, but I don't think it's necessary, unless you also want to drop Mozilla's logo from the Webmaker site -- otherwise the list is already "politicized"."

"Too much information. Should keep attention focused on the specific web literacy skills. Could include link within Open Practices?"

"The Web Literacy Map is about skills and competencies whilst the Manifesto is more about organisational beliefs."

"There are of course areas of commonality but to get the widest adoption of the Web Literacy Map 2.0 it should be capable of standing on it's own right with acknowledgement to Mozilla."

"Should not be explicitly linked to any one organisation. This would help drive take up."

"I think you can support a philosophy of an open web without referring to a specific organization or company. If teachers see corporate goals in standards they will think you are selling something or have other motives beyond teaching the web."

"An education tool should not subscribe itself to a pseudo-political manifesto , party or belief system, no matter how appealing and agreeable those ideals are. Lets keep this strictly educational."

"Don't think so. Surely web literacy should empower uses to critically engage with different providers/platforms/engines? The Manifesto can be an example, or even be used as critique or to critique"

"Avoid sounding like a shill. =)"

"I think the Mozilla manifesto should reference the Web Literacy Map & not the other way around."

"I like Mozilla and open but I came to know more about Mozilla because I wanted to understand the map not the other way round."

"It might reference the principles in terms of an underpinning ethos, but I'd be wary of it being too tightly bootstrapped together, as the map has value even if one didn't agree with all the principles in the manifesto."

"The Mozilla manifesto, while important, should stand on its own and people who learn web literacy can find it (or be led to it) after the fact."

"Si bien el manifiesto es la guía de nuestro trabajo, creo que no es completamente necesario hacer referencia a él. En la etapa de preparación de un taller Webmaker es bueno explicarlo, para que quede claro cuál es el objetivo." ('Although the manifesto is the guide of our work, I think it's not completely necessary to refer to it. In the preparation stage of a workshop Webmaker is good to explain, to make clear what the objective is.')

"ok pour les principes mais pas la peine de rajouter mozilla." ('ok for the principles but do not bother to add mozilla')