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Not enough people on the call. Let's keep the grid and think about added value in 2015.


The community was asked the extent to which they supported the following proposal, using a five-point scale. 5 indicated strong agreement.

Proposal 3: I believe the Web Literacy Map should look more like a 'map'.

  • en_UK: 3.69 (138 respondents)
  • es_CL: 4.00 (7 respondents)
  • fr: 3.64 (29 respondents)
  • hi_IN: 5.00 (1 respondent)
  • id_ID: 1.00 (1 respondent)
  • ml_ML: 4.00 (1 respondent)



"I.e. spider diagram"

"I think it would seem more accessible as a map and people will stay conneced/interested for longer."

"It will make the information more eye catching and relatable to the audience. I will pictorially show the individual process and journey to becoming digital literate."

"Agreed. Graphical interface always bridges the gap between the context and the learner, more efficiently than just the text. "

"I like this idea a lot. It could even have "routes" like the pathways tool."

"I like maps but many people need lists. I'd say you have to do both (sorry)"

"As long as it keeps all the content it has now."

"Yes, 100%."

"Some kind of graphical interface should be aimed for. The text-based list does not emphasize the connections that exist between skills."

"Within the workshop session at BG Uni, myself and parter tried to complete a map effect when in control of designing the Web Literacy Map - The map would clearly have located each competencies. Fab idea! Makes it more visual also."

"I think a different visual representation could be very appealing."

"It would make sense in the literal way, but since I cannot picture it in the form of a Map now, I guess the existing one seems good enough."

"Grids and lists tend to create a linear focus. One of the cool things about the Internet, is that it doesn't have to be linear. Certain skills and competencies can and do impact a wide variety of literacies. Moving away from grids and lists would allow the Web Literacy Map to adequately reflect that. It may also help to diminish some of my resistance to the re-naming of the strands. If those strands are not firm linear divisions but rather more, shall-we-say, web-like, then the labels of reading, writing and participating, may not be as bad (although, I am still not a fan of renaming them)."

"But you should provide both options - we all interpret data differently, have preferred means of reading information, so leave the list style for those who think better that way, and the map for those who take a more graphic-based approach."

"I loved the map view that we saw in some of Chloe's badge pathways sketches. It would be great to see it again."

"May be more like a step by step procedure (Ladder)."


"I think its much easier to get an instant overview of a map and to be able to "zoom in" on specific competencies to get more details, then it its in a text version."

"The web literacy map should have multiple entry points including a map."

"It should be easier to understand and access at first glance, so this would do the trick."

"It is called a Map after all :) But to be realistic, it's hard to actually answer this. What browsers do people usually use to access the site? Do they use mobile browsers? Something like http://discover.openbadges.org/pathway/53a45f3a96e0580200ec5256 would surely look nice, but it doesn't scale too well on smaller screens. I guess if you can find a good way to develop an actual map, I'd say go for it."

"Much more comprehensive in map form!"

"I like the idea of it being more maplike as long as the terrain is open to alt routes and doesn't demand one "best navigation"

"應該添加一些圖示(icon)或影片(video),加上文字的說明更能夠理解" ("Should add some icon (icon) or movie (video), plus explanatory text can be understood more.")

"I think it is always useful to see how things are related to each other. (and potential dependencies)"

"I reallyreallyreallyreally liked that thing one person did where you could explore which units/skills followed/built on which. Graphical representations are soooo powerful."

"Visual images invite more interaction than lists."

"Could be visually more engaging and dynamic for users."

"More Creative, may make it easier to find things is how the brain works images not lists."

"Absolutely, but make damn sure it's collapsable to just text. Perhaps a more flow-chart like method would work better, showing the progression from basics to being a web ninja or whatever bearded internet hipsters call themselves now. A London Tube style progression map would be good if done right."

"An infographic or visual representation can assist. The current presentation is very text heavy."

"It may be in any form but the goal is the key :D"

"Even in these days of connectivity we need readable directions."

"It could end up looking like the London underground, but you would get to see where the 3, currently separate looking towers/blocks of Exploring, Building, Connecting have natural cross-over."

"As long as it's not too complicated - and I would say a graphic - doesn't need to look too much like a map."

"Sometimes the current Web Literacy map looks like a page which has only link or pointers to a different page. It is not looking good."

"waiting for some controversy."

"It could be useful to have it like a pirate's treasure map, where at the end there is a big prize...something that encourages people to get on the route, and follow through with it in a linear fashion that builds on each previous competency."

"For me map objects are easier to poster and reference than lists."

"Agree, however as discussed at Mozfest, it should be a map suggestive of different possible journeys, tempting the learner to take responsibility and choose their own path."

"I would imagine a visualization like the following. bubble-map.jpg"

"Sería interesante graficar el mapa, para una mejor comprensión del mismo." ("The map would be interesting graph, for a better understanding thereof.")

"Peut-être associer des exemples aux divers compétences. Sinon, trop abstrait et difficile à suivre." ("Perhaps the examples involve various skills. Otherwise too abstract and difficult to follow.")

"à condition de respecter les directives d’accessibilité (WCAG)" ("provided they meet accessibility guidelines (WCAG)")


"I'm ambivalent here because to me making it as a map means showing the connections between the various competencies and skills, both of which are conceptually difficult. I've tried this a couple of times (hi, I'm Laura), and have wondered if it's possible to make a *useful visual*. I'm all for trying it out, but am aware that this might not be the right place to put the brainpower (e.g. pathways are IMHO more important, so if we could use this to springboard that, it'd be double win. However, the pedagogy should come first, as you're well aware ;)"

"There should be an easy to read way to see all of the map. It's not so important what that looks like, although having some more map-like versions of it is interesting."

"I think it's easy-ish to navigate at how it is at the moment, however, as a map it may be more visually easy to navigate around."

"A list is not good enough and it's necessary to show off relation between the various skills and competencies. But a true interactive map is maybe a bit to much."

"I don't like the list approach but I do like the grid. Given the increasingly dynamic nature of HTML5 and Javascript I personally think a dynamic grid with drop down menus and hyperlinks is the way to go."

"I'm intrigued to see what it would look like if it were more like a 'map'. I like the current grid of competencies. I think it makes it easy for people to quickly negotiate the map. One thing stuck in the back of my head is the look of the ""map"" might resonate with the design of the badge pathways. If we went with the cluster of orthogonal shapes...the map would look kind of cool. Sort of a high tech Risk game...but I digress. Alternatively...dump the word map."

"Perhaps. A map would leave open the possibility for 'uncharted territory' in a very clear way."

"Grid or listing of competencies will continue to be important (i.e., on drop down navs on Webmaker). I am not sure if a new graphic will be an improvement for users in terms of the usability of the map. "

"I don't have an opinion here. It seems to support two things which we should actually validate rather than guessing at: 1) Packaging it as a map will drive more adoption (the map form factor is marketing tool) 2) Packaging it as a map will increase comprehension (the map form factor is a pedagogical tool) Suggest validating with real audience."

"Don't know how you might do this, but it would be interesting. I think I'd have to see the final product."

"The most important factor is the ability to clearly communicate the list of skills and competencies with easy navigation to the more detailed skills and resources. The current 3 block approach works really well but if you wanted to reflect more of a journey in terms of the development of skills and competencies from novice to expert then you need a further dimension - this could be something more akin to The Khan Academy Star Map."

"Just want the content to be useful - it can be represented in numerous ways."

"I would need to see a map to compare. A mindmap perhaps. It might be a grid is the easiest way to try and get an overview. Perhaps the whole Map could be exposed as json (or OPML or something) and folk could explore different ways of displaying it."

"I find that really interesting. Remember watching a documentary about maps on the BBC which spoke about how maps influence our perception. Lists don't necessarily work, but are maps the answer?"

"Avoid the text version : 'wall of text' ==> tl;dr effect. The grid version is a good synthesis and could co-habitate with the map."

"I really don't know. What kind of map. One with pre defined paths? or one that shows the terrain but yo (sic) can build your own path?"

"It needs to look more like Hillinger's (sic) project. We need to see scales of differentiation. For example when teachers look at the coding under building they get scared off as they do not know many of the terms let alone how to teach those competencies. I often wonder if there is web literacy (level one-wwiswyg and basic html) and web fluency (level two serious coding)."

"Can't you have both?"

"Maps are helpful, however I think there should always be opportunities and encouragement to blaze new trails. So long as the map is an evolving document, I'm okay with it looking like a map. However, I tend to lean towards Joi Ito's preference of compasses over maps."

"Let's explore options. However, today's graphical representation is fairly in line with the way other frameworks are presented."

"Would have to see what that looks like in order to comment."

"If this means it should be made more accessible for self directed learners to be able to locate themselves & choose a suitable pathway to follow, then I agree. Otherwise the visuals are great & really like the colour variations to divide the competencies. Personally I'd find short summaries for each competency in rollover dropdowns (with a delayed opacity) helpful for browsing the home page. Also a keyword search bar linked to the whole map please."

"no - maps can be messy. The current diagram is easy to digest. Having said that, there is something attractive about showing the variety of pathways one might take through the skills and competencies... so now I don't know."

"Visuals could help show how the areas link/connect, but the text version is great already."

"Puede ser." ("Can be.")

"Ne comprend pas la question." ("I don't understand the question")


"Naw. As I said before, while it might help visualize the connections, it could quickly become a plate of spaghetti that's not approachable or user friendly. But -- there's no reason there couldn't be a map tool for exploring the things on the side."

""While there could be a map-like visualization of the WLM that we use in some of our own comms, I think the WLM itself is a list (or three). The spacial map metaphor could very likely be tenuous and confuse as many people as it helps. There is no standard map format that the global public are used to reading and interpreting to understand the interrelation of various skills and competencies. This is a fun design challenge, but I think there should still be a simple list underneath that anyone can pick-up and run with in their own work."

"It should look like whatever it needs to look like for people to understand it. If "Map" is causing confusion, rename it rather than change the form to match the name."

"Just stop calling it a map."

"that'd be kind of silly."

"Nope. I hope I'm not being negative but I disagree with all so far.."

"A 'Map' is a spatial relationship between visual element, there are our current interpretation of this may indeed be a geographic schematic., but I think the key purpose is - ease of navigation - in this case elemnts of the WLM - therefore the current interactive design works well - of course that is not to say it couldn't be improved."

"I would suggest dropping the word "map" before we make it look more like a map. And once we introduce a map visual, it complicates how folks might think about the overall experience. Is there another term that might be used in place of map that accomplishes what is desired?"

"I think the current grid/matrix metaphor is appropriate, so the question might really be: should the web literacy map be renamed as the web literacy grid. On the other hand, the subheads don't really relate across the grid (e.g. at the moment the second in each list is : 'remixing - collaborating - web mechanics' but with some work there might be other dimensions that emerged (e.g. in the building section, the obvious distinction is between visible (content) and invisible (infrastructure) ...)"

"A concept map is supposed to show relationships and hierarchies and points of intersection. Unless the current set of competencies lends itself to that then maybe the gains would be minimal. Moreover, the potential to relate any competency to any other seem to madly proliferate when you think about it. And for me it's hard to pick out hierarchies, beyond the categories you already have. This raises the possibility that a topographical-type map wouldn't be a faithful representation and so might obfuscate the concept. Or it might have too much detail in combination with too little hierarchy, and everything would just disappear. Would stopping calling it a map help? If so, maybe do that..."

"Nope. I like the chart. I can make sense of that. Can't envisage how 'more like a map' would work."

"apa arti 'peta'." ("what does 'map'.")