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The Internet is an integral part of modern life–a key component in
education, communication, collaboration, business, entertainment and
society as a whole." - Mozilla Manifesto

Mozilla Education aims to create learning opportunities and to support a new generation of Mozilla community members, and help to drive a new wave of participatory, student-led learning. By working with computer science, design, and business schools around the world, Mozilla hopes to move closer to our broader goal of making openness, participation and distributed decision-making more common experiences in Internet life.


  • We support instructors worldwide who wish to teach about Mozilla technologies and practices, including connecting them and their students with the Mozilla community and working with them to create a worldwide community of practice around Mozilla-related educational topics.
  • We support students worldwide who wish to learn more about Mozilla, including hosting online Mozilla courses that provide learning and engagement opportunities directly to them and other potential Mozilla contributors.
  • We curate and host a central repository to make all Mozilla courseware and learning information available to instructors, students, and the general public.


  • teaching open source stuff?


  • Over $X to Seneca College to support Mozilla education efforts at Seneca and elsewhere
  • others?

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