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Test Automation on Mozbase

The goal of these meetings is to synchronize progress and goals regarding the efforts to use mozbase as a foundation for all test harnesses in mozilla-central. Also see the (slightly outdated) roadmap.

Dial-in information

 # This meeting will start at 11:30AM PDT 
 # Guest:
 # Vidyo:  Jgriffin's Vidyo Room
 # Phone:  650-903-0800 or 650-215-1282 x92 Conf# 9126 (US/INTL)
 #         1-800-707-2533 (pin 369) Conf# 9126 (free for anyone to join)
 # IRC:    irc://



Join us, we'd love the help! You can either drop by in irc:// or drop into one of our meetings.

When: Tuesday, Jan 29, 11:30 AM PST

Where: jgriffin's Vidyo room

Etherpad: Jot down meeting notes on the etherpad

Create a new weekly agenda from the active Meeting Template:

<createbox> align=left type=create preload=Auto-tools/Projects/Mozbase/Automation-Refactor/Meeting_Template default=2024-07-22 prefix=Auto-tools/Projects/Mozbase/Automation-Refactor/Meetings/ </createbox>