Auto-tools/Projects/Mozmill/Mozmill 2.0
From MozillaWiki
< Auto-tools | Projects | Mozmill
Mozmill 2 will be the next major release with a mostly complete refactored code base for both Python and Javascript code. It will be shipped with a ton of new features and more reliable and safer code paths.
To track the current work we have added a couple of queries to assist us in managing the release. Details about the work planned in quarter 2013/2 can be found here:
This is a list of all the bugs reports which have to be fixed for Mozmill 2.0:
To only see the open bugs check this query.
Request queue: mozilla-2.1?
ID | Summary | Priority | Status |
846351 | Mutt test appears to report a Pass when same test under Mozmill reports a Fail | P4 | RESOLVED |
905959 | Create mozelement type method | P2 | RESOLVED |
973978 | Enable minidump stackwalk for dumping the crash information to the console | -- | RESOLVED |
3 Total; 0 Open (0%); 3 Resolved (100%); 0 Verified (0%);