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Ten projects from the Jetpack For Learning Design Challenge have been invited to a three-day Design Camp, prior to SXSW Interactive 2010 in Austin, Texas, USA.

Aspiration is designing and leading the Design Camp in partnership with Mozilla, along with Philipp Schmidt, JFL Coordinator, and Brian King and Andy Edmonds, JFL Course Leads.

The camp will bring together developers, designers, and educators who are working on the future of open education. Design Challenge prototypes will be finalised with support from course leaders Andy and Brian, and we will work on a shared vision for social learning in the open web.

The Design Camp will include Daily sessions from 9:00 - 18:00, with presentation of final prototypes on the last day. Selection and announcement of Design Challenge winner will take place during Mozilla SXSW Interactive event.

Event Objectives

  • Strengthen the community of practice among projects working in the Jetpack for Learning space;
  • Take participating JfL Projects to the next level through code sprinting and generation of submitted versions for judging;
  • Engage in visioning and collaboration around the future of Jetpack For Learning and Firefox-supported education;
  • Address participant questions and learning needs regarding all aspects of Jetpack and Firefox development environment.


Check out the Design Camp Agenda and add your thoughts!

Please also review the Design Camp Agenda Guidelines


Social Media

Technical Questions

Check out our Technical Questions page to see technical questions that came up in discussion surrounding Jetpack.

Judging of Design Camp Winner

The Design Challenge embodies the philosophy that all participants are winners, but we are selecting a special prize recipient after the Design Camp. The only difference is a little more exposure (mention at the Mozilla SXSW Party) and a USD 500 gift voucher for the Make store - which can be used to buy presents for team members who couldn't come to Austin.

The judging panel are:

  • Aza Raskin (Mozilla Labs)
  • Craig Wacker (MacArthur Foundation)
  • Mark Surman (Mozilla Foundation)
  • Brian King (JFL Course Leader)
  • Andy Edmonds (JFL Course Leader)
  • Philipp Schmidt (Peer 2 Peer University/ JFL Coordinator)

Check this page for all details on judging process, logistics, and criteria.
