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Thoughts on the Future of the Jetpack Community

Group 1:

Group 2:

  • sense of community emerging; 3am hackathon, etc. shared purpose/vision & expertise. shame to lose it
  • look at browse as lens to social learning
  • what should we do with the course? run it again, become part of a bigger curriculum? what's the future?
  • ambassadors: spread the word, get people involved
  • connect this community with broader education world

DISCUSSION 1: do you want to collaborate in a community of practice

  • yes
  • yes
  • only as advisor

DISCUSSION 2 (10min): what do you need to get out of the collab to keep motivation above threshold?

  • access to expert advice feedback, access to macarthur people
  • keeping the list alive, giving feedback, geting coding help and ideas from the list

DISCUSSION 3 (15min): 3 best ideas for collaboration moving fwd and on contest for next year

  • the "champion" of the group is the commandante, pilot, navigator
  • bring a learning scientist/educator/designer/potential users to the contest and have them give feedback to contestant teams early-on
  • connect CS education departments to the courses; make it a lab for a community. if associated with university, might outcast non-academics and older people
  • give people the code snippets to get started: now go crazy! twitter, quizlets, overlay, screenshots
  • each alumni gets a code and spreads it to get street-cred for others signing up with their code
  • pair a contest alumni with new contestant and give some sort acknowledgement
  • in the contest call, specify the learning toipcs: deconstruct x, y, z. language, science, math, etc.
  • "learning" vs "education" vs "hacking education"
  • give challenges about subversive learning topics
  • get paired up with a "geek big brother" that could be a former parole officer that cannot leave his laptop

Group 3: dc mOVING forward


what does being in mean?

All in to the principles. Consistent interest, at least in principle

2. What value prop? • I don't know. • would like to be involved • a role to take on • (Not sure what and what level they'd want) • (Anxiety about levels of interaction/involvement) • (Anxiety • Cover to take time during work • Official-like website, publicity that can name names • Need an angle to present to our bosses ∘ show we're making an impact, giving our places of work a benefit ∘ interest, devotion to Open Ed. ∘ Documented collab. with other institutions ∘ Language teaching technology--part of a university initiative that I can play into ‣ What will the administrators respond to ‣ (Sounds like "what can I show to MacArthur to justify Design Camp:: what can I show to my home base/boss/institution to justify my participation in Design Camp future) ∘ presentation from FireFox people to institution/home base about FF to convince the powers that be that it's worthwhile to look at what we're doing ∘ demonstrate the FF potential to dumbass CIOs who love MS and IE ∘ help us show our higherups the value

3. • Establish an "education" category in AMO • Highlight it and make it something special (see #2) • Demo , document learning benefits from FF and Mozilla • Demo the RIO of FF • focus on tech. and how it's used to help learning • documentation on jetpack • style-guide to writing documentation ∘ set formulas ∘ good, bad, and ugly examples • ideas about paths toward becoming a leader in the community ∘ marketing ∘ drum-beat • certification/training via moz-dev network • code snippets ∘ with explanation documentation • how are all the Mozilla projects interrelated? ∘ examples of how people are putting them together • "7 Things About" ∘ Jetpack ∘ Google search ∘ (quick, simple, direct 1-pagers describing a technology/project -- search "Educause 7 Things") • talk to groups/classes/ etc. about why Mozilla is best tool for open education ∘ "Don't build a website, build in browser" • Move beyond "open" being enough of an explanation ∘ also need to demo tool quality • Events on many scales, levels of formality, cost • check Spread Firefox • resource page for ambasadors and ambassadorettes ∘ tiny presos that we did that are relevant to jetpack, but maybe not a full ambassador

Group 4:

What value do we need to get back?
• Users and publicity
• Feedback from the audience
• Developer involvement – help with code
• Money, business model help
• Support from Mozilla to get contributors so we don’t end up with another ‘project on our plate’
• Review by/communication with the core Jetpack dev team at Mozilla to get some feedback from those that know the code best and so they can see what we’re trying to do and maybe if there are better ways.
• Category on AMO for J4L
• ‘Star’ or something to signal we are special on AMO
• Support from QA at Mozilla?
• User testing help from Macarthur of teachers/students
• Videos of us/Jetpacks on Mozilla page

Collaboration ideas:
• Individual milestones that we hold each other to
• More sessions, even if just run by us for us. People talking about something they know
• One big project we all work together on and collaborate together, challenge or something
• A main J4L Jetpack that has all of our snippets for checking if the page the user is visiting is compatible with any of the J4L Jetpacks. Like a directory and a monitor that pings the user when you find a page that will work with a Jetpack. Can also contain a directory so you can find pages that work with those Jetpacks.
• We put together our combined thoughts/suggestions for Jetpack SDK to contribute as one big want list. Make our own suggestions wiki?
• Another scheduled meet-up IRL
• Mozilla sponsored code sprints, they can choose the idea/motivation/concept/theme
• Conferences we can collaborate on, create something for
• Accept idea submissions to create custom solutions for schools/teachers.