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List of bugs

SMS issues handled by the SMS subteam (blocks the sprint bug 1083069)

Bugzilla link

Full Query
ID Assigned to Summary Blocking b2g Feature-b2g Whiteboard Resolution
996755 Steve Chung [:steveck] [B2G][MMS] Unsupported data formats are not displayed corrected when received by MMS --- No cf_feature-b2g 1.3tarakorun2 [2.1-flame-test-run-1][p=1] WONTFIX
1021608 Steve Chung [:steveck] [Messages] Report panel visual refresh --- No cf_feature-b2g [sms-most-wanted][p(2.1S7)=1][p(2.1S6)=2][p(2.1S5)=2] FIXED
1071514 Julien Wajsberg [:julienw] (PTO -> Jul 24) [Woodduck][Messages] The picture will flicker once when you take one picture as attachment --- No cf_feature-b2g [sms-most-wanted][sms-sprint-2.1S6][p=2] FIXED
1074732 Steve Chung [:steveck] [Messages] Create a mixin to handle the "select" UI model --- No cf_feature-b2g [p(2.1S7)=2][p(2.1S6)=1] FIXED

4 Total; 4 Open (100%); 0 Resolved (0%); 0 Verified (0%);

Remaining points and burndown chart

google chart api url for Sprint 2.1S7

Burndown chart
Remaining points
Start 6
Day 2 6
Day 3 6
Day 4 6
Day 5 5
Day 6 5
Day 7 5
Day 8 5
Day 9 3
End 1

SMS issues handled by the SMS subteam outside of the sprint (contains whiteboard "sms-sprint-2.1S7")

No results.

0 Total; 0 Open (0%); 0 Resolved (0%); 0 Verified (0%);

All SMS issues tracked for this sprint (target milestone)

Bugzilla link

Full Query
ID Assigned to Summary Blocking b2g Feature b2g Resolution
996755 Steve Chung [:steveck] [B2G][MMS] Unsupported data formats are not displayed corrected when received by MMS --- --- WONTFIX
1021608 Steve Chung [:steveck] [Messages] Report panel visual refresh --- 2.2+ FIXED
1071514 Julien Wajsberg [:julienw] (PTO -> Jul 24) [Woodduck][Messages] The picture will flicker once when you take one picture as attachment --- --- FIXED
1074732 Steve Chung [:steveck] [Messages] Create a mixin to handle the "select" UI model --- --- FIXED
1076703 Julien Wajsberg [:julienw] (PTO -> Jul 24) [woodduck] There is no response in switch data connection page while pressing OK button. 2.0+ --- FIXED
1078295 Chris Lord [:cwiiis] SMS app dialogs are missing all transitions --- --- FIXED
1082908 kumar rishav (:rishav_) [Messages] Background color of contact list should be other than white so that it differ from empty space. 2.0M+ --- FIXED
1083069 SMS sprint 2.1S7 --- --- FIXED

8 Total; 8 Open (100%); 0 Resolved (0%); 0 Verified (0%);

Sprint planning

Minutes are on a separate page.

Daily meetings

Day 2: 16th October


  • bug 1021608 - [Messages] Consider adding a "resend" button in the message report page, if there is an error, and other visual refresh
    • Still some suggestion need to be addressed, will revisit later
  • bug 1074732 - [Messages] Create a mixin to handle the "select" UI model
    • Give a WIP about the select logic unbind from DOM tree. Adding more comments on the github. Will create a bug for select all data handling.
  • bug 1078295 - SMS app dialogs are missing all transitions
    • Reviewed.
  • Review for README document and DOMContentLoad event listener removal patch.


  • Refine the report view patch again.
  • Leave some thought on the selection patch


PTO until Oct 20th


PTO until Oct 27th

Day 3: 17th October


  • bug 1021608 - [Messages] Consider adding a "resend" button in the message report page, if there is an error, and other visual refresh
    • 4th round of fixing finished.
  • bug 1074732 - [Messages] Create a mixin to handle the "select" UI model
    • Give another WIP about the select mixing.
  • bug 1084298 - [Messages] Decoupling the all inputs query logic from DOM tree structure
    • Create a bug to address all inputs issue.
  • Review for README document and DOMContentLoad event listener removal patch.


  • Provide another selection WIP patch and bug for selectall logic
  • Review the ogg file issue and image flickering issue again.


PTO until Oct 20th


PTO until Oct 27th

Day 4: 20th October


  • bug 1021608 - [Messages] Consider adding a "resend" button in the message report page, if there is an error, and other visual refresh
    • Squashed and waiting for the try server... Seems lots of jobs are suffering the Gij timeout.
      (Julien) the bug to split the Gij job has been r+ last night, so we should have working Gij builds soon
  • bug 1074732 - [Messages] Create a mixin to handle the "select" UI model
    • Give another WIP about the select mixing.
  • bug 1084298 - [Messages] Decoupling the all inputs query logic from DOM tree structure
    • Create this bug to address all inputs issue later. Just wandering if we need to traverse all the message / threads and keeps all real data, or simply a count for all inputs.
      (Julien) while reading this bug, I thought that we also have a number of getElementById, and this is also a good time to review their uses.
      (Steve) Not sure the getElementById is used for...?
      (Julien) I just mean we have maybe some DOM operations in ThreadUI and ThreadListUI that we'll need to change, because we won't have all threads/messages in the DOM. I didn't review yet :) so maybe we don't
      (Julien) to answer the first question; do we really need to find all inputs? My idea was that if the user presses "select all", we'd keep a boolean "isSelectedAll". If this boolean is false: we'd act on all checked node; if the boolean is true, we'd act on all nodes - the unchecked nodes. (something like this). Not sure if this makes sense ?
      (Steve) Hmm, I'll ping you offline about my concern
      (Julien) ok :)


  • Discuss about selection WIP patch and bug for selectall logic
  • Review flickering issue.


  • bug 1071514 (flickering while adding an attachment, blocker)
    • didn't move this since wednesday
  • bug 1076703 (switch SIM does not work from the new message panel, blocker)
    • still waiting for approval for v2.0
    • landed in v2.0m
  • reviewed bug 1021608 for Steve
    • r+ but I found some glitches
  • reviewed lots of requests from Rishav; he had patches for several small bugs, good!
  • found an issue in sms_test.js that comes from the ThreadListUI.setContact change; always fails with the newer mocha, it's probably intermittent with current mocha; I'll have a patch today



PTO until Oct 27th

Day 5: 21th October


  • bug 1021608 - [Messages] Consider adding a "resend" button in the message report page, if there is an error, and other visual refresh
    • Rebase and commit again after gij split. Landed in master.
  • bug 1074732 - [Messages] Create a mixin to handle the "select" UI model
    • Some thoughts about the mixin:
      (Julien) it was quite late when I looked at it yesterday so maybe some of my suggestions were bad ;) I'll look at your questions and we can discuss on IRC
      (Steve) Take you time :) I think there is no absolute right or wrong in these decision(I also took lots time for these questions :p) Just hope that we could have a conclusion that is most reasonable for the future development
      (Julien) I don't think my idea is really clear yet anyway, so it's fine to refine later if we find some things don't work right. I'll try to make a clear idea of the goals, and we can discuss from this
  • bug 1084298 - [Messages] Decoupling the all inputs query logic from DOM tree structure
    • Discussion off-line and some thoughts in create mixin patch


  • More discuss about selection WIP patch and bug for selectall logic
  • Take a look for subject limit issue in bug 1085764.
  • Other reviews and needinfo


  • bug 1071514 (flickering while adding an attachment, blocker)
    • still didn't move this since wednesday
  • bug 1076703 (switch SIM does not work from the new message panel, blocker)
    • still waiting for approval for v2.0. I just added a NI to Bhavana.
    • landed in v2.0m
  • again, reviewed lots of requests from Rishav; he had patches for several small bugs, good!
  • bug 1085276: found an issue in sms_test.js that comes from the ThreadListUI.setContact change; always fails with the newer mocha, it's probably intermittent with current mocha; I'll have a patch today
    • patch given, in review
  • reviewed bug 1074732: implement a mixin for the selection panels
  • tried my idea of lazy extracting template models; not sure it makes any improvement at startup, but I'll try wih 2 buri side by side.


  • discussed with gmarty and wilson page about the sync reflow introduced by the gaia-header. It affects SMS badly because we inject things in the DOM early. Not sure what the right solution is yet :/


Day 6: 22th October


  • bug 1074732 - [Messages] Create a mixin to handle the "select" UI model
    • Some thoughts about the mixin:
      • Will propose another patch about simply handling the selected data in mixin
  • bug 1084298 - [Messages] Decoupling the all inputs query logic from DOM tree structure
    • No progress currently.
  • bug 1085764 - [flameKK][v2.1]Be able to input Simplified-Chinese in SMS subject after reaching maxium length
    • Have some discussion with Rudy about the possible solution. In gecko POV is more like a feature to them if we want to prevent further suggestion from keyDown, so it would not be their top priority. Another possible solution is check the length on input event and trim/reset the string if exceed the limit. Or simply talk to UX the we simply use input element for subject field with maxlength set.
      (Julien) but don't we have the same issue in the text input? If the text is very large, we should move to MMS, but does it work in chinese?
      (Steve) We use segmentInfo API to handle this ;)
      (Julien) yeah but we call segmentInfo when we get which event? Ok maybe when we get "input" and in that case it works fine?
      (Julien) Actually, I don't understand some of the cases in the "chinese" use case... I don't understand why we don't have keydown when entering chinese characters. And I don't understand why we don't get "input" when we have a suggestion. (or maybe we don't listen to "input" in subject input?)
      (Steve) ya we didn't handle input event in subject. The word form suggestion 'should' trigger input event but no keydown/keyup event
      (Julien) ok, so we can fix this, and we should have the banner then?
      (Julien) so we don't have keydown/keyup for normal characters? Or do we have?
      (Steve) Pressing char on keyboard should trigger keydown -> keyup -> input, but suggestion only triggers input
      (Julien) so I think we can make it work if we handle "input". We'll need to manually remove the end of the suggestion if it exceeds maxlength of course. But the step3 in the bug seems to imply that calling preventDefault on keydown/keyup doesn't work :/ I guess this needs some more investigation
      (Steve) The only concern for input event is the char is added at this moment, so user might see the typed char and trimmed
      (Julien) I think we need to handle both input and keydown :)
      (Steve) Ok
  • Reviewed ogg patch for 2.0m, some behavior need to confirm with QA again


  • Provide another simplified selection WIP patch for handling data only
  • Confirm the solution for bug 1085764.
  • Other reviews and needinfo


  • bug 1071514 (flickering while adding an attachment, blocker)
    • still didn't move this since wednesday
  • bug 1076703 (switch SIM does not work from the new message panel, blocker)
    • landed in v2.0m
    • got approved! Will likely be uplifted today then
  • discussed with Rishav about some bugs he took
  • bug 1085276: found an issue in sms_test.js that comes from the ThreadListUI.setContact change; always fails with the newer mocha, it's probably intermittent with current mocha; I'll have a patch today
    • needs a nit before landing. I also need to check the other intermittent
  • reviewed bug 1074732: implement a mixin for the selection panels
  • bug 1086529: lazy initialize templates. I do see a small difference at startup (not always though) so I asked David Flanagan a review. I've put videos on the bug.


  • discussed with gmarty and wilson page about the sync reflow introduced by the gaia-header. It affects SMS badly because we inject things in the DOM early. Not sure what the right solution is yet :/ I'll try various things and possibly send a mail to the layout ML about this.
  • I sent a mail to Daniel Glazman from the CSS WG about RTL properties. The goal is that they can discuss about this in their next meeting.
  • I discussed with jgriffin about console.log that's not showing in TBPL/TreeHerder log; should be fixed in bug 1086673.


  • will do reviews + needinfo
  • will work on bug 1071514
  • will send a mail to the layout ML
  • will send a mail to Jenny&team about Drafts

Day 7: 23th October


  • bug 1074732 - [Messages] Create a mixin to handle the "select" UI model
    • Refine the patch based on latest suggestions, and will submit a complete patch for review today. I agree that we might need to wrap all the related elements and functions into selection, but isn't it a little bit too much for 'mixin' structure? I mean, it this way the selection module feels like a complete module, and the passing the elements seems not really necessary...
      (Julien) yep, I know what you mean, maybe having not a mixin but a simple module like you initially did is simpler and just as good?
      (Steve) Maybe, but currently the scale looks fine for mixin, so we can think for more details later. Do you think we need an independent module for edit mode eventually? We do want to make the view module cleaner anyway.
      (Julien) I'll read more about mixins in general, try to find good practices on when we should use them or when we should not. In the mean time, we can move forward with this already.
      (Steve) +1
  • bug 1084298 - [Messages] Decoupling the all inputs query logic from DOM tree structure
    • No progress currently.
  • bug 1085764 - [flameKK][v2.1]Be able to input Simplified-Chinese in SMS subject after reaching maxium length
    • Start some experiment that adding input event for handling the length
  • ogg patch landed in 2.0m, and clarify the behavior with QA...


  • Complete selection patch with tests
  • Try out the input events for subject
  • One more review about option menu dialog


Not moved a lot the expected things, but did other interesting things :/

  • bug 1071514 (flickering while adding an attachment, blocker)
    • still didn't move this since wednesday
  • bug 1076703 (switch SIM does not work from the new message panel, blocker)
    • landed in v2.0m
    • landed in v2.0
  • bug 1085276: found an issue in sms_test.js that comes from the ThreadListUI.setContact change; always fails with the newer mocha, it's probably intermittent with current mocha; I'll have a patch today
    • needs a nit before landing. I also need to check the other intermittent
  • reviewed bug 1074732: implement a mixin for the selection panels


  • created a script to inject time measurements to the SMS app; I filed the results in bug 1087329. There are interesting things we can improve in the future.
  • created an etherpad about good practices for architecturing our components
  • had a meeting with people outside of Gaia; I may have to work part-time on another app during v2.2 timeframe...


  • will do reviews + needinfo
  • will work on bug 1071514
  • will send a mail to the layout ML
  • will send a mail to Jenny&team about Drafts

Day 8: 24th October


  • bug 1074732 - [Messages] Create a mixin to handle the "select" UI model
    • Rework with selection module. got same feedback and will submit a complete patch later
  • bug 1085764 - [flameKK][v2.1]Be able to input Simplified-Chinese in SMS subject after reaching maxium length
    • Adding a input event and trim seems work at first sight, still checking if any regression...


  • Complete selection module patch with tests
  • Submit a patch for subject field changes
  • Review for option menu dialog flickering image attachment


  • bug 1071514 (flickering while adding an attachment, blocker)
    • patch is ready ! in-review
    • filed bug 1088526 for the more involved changes, will produce a patch today
  • reviewed bug 1074732: implement a mixin for the selection panels
  • did a patch for bug 1087981: try to remove mozSettings access from notify.js. Should make us win something at startup. (but as an afterthought it would be better to focus on other files because this one is included after first panel)


  • will do reviews + needinfo
  • will work on bug 1071514
  • will send a mail to the layout ML
  • will send a mail to Jenny&team about Drafts

Day 9: 27th October


  • bug 1074732 - [Messages] Create a mixin to handle the "select" UI model
    • Another round for lazyload selection and unit tests fix.
    • I can't figure out the select/deselect string movement issue, will request more info in bug.
      (Julien) we can discuss on IRC too :)
  • bug 1085764 - [flameKK][v2.1]Be able to input Simplified-Chinese in SMS subject after reaching maxium length
    • Inserting English suggestion will not trigger the keydown event either, but input event should work at this moment. So it might be a reason if we want to make it a blocker.
      (Julien) a reason to make it a blocker is if partner want to ship in a language that uses the "composition" to enter characters; I don't think that english suggestion can make it a blocker because I think it's like this since a long time?
      (Steve) Ya, it existed long time ago...
      (Oleg) I'm wondering what involves less code: our current contenteditable with maxlength js fallback or using textarea+maxlength + auto resize js fallback? Or native maxlength will not help us with this bug?
      (Julien) I don't like the "auto resize" because we'll trigger reflow, while with current situation, the platform triggers reflow directly; I can't help thinking it's more efficient? And also I think the user could see a flickering if we handle auto resize manually...
      (Oleg) mm not sure that reflow while editing subject is critical, but yes it will be there
      (Julien) a reflow is critical because with our amount of messages it can take a noticeable amount of time; while it reflows the interface is not responsive. An example where I think it happens: the suggestions with contacts in the "new message" panel: this is currently not very pleasant to use (but maybe it's another reason, I haven't looked).


  • Refine the selection module patch and tests
  • Submit a patch for subject field changes
  • Review for option menu dialog


  • bug 1071514 (flickering while adding an attachment, blocker)
    • I've produced a follow-up patch that removes even more flickering, I think it's quite neat :D will ask for review in some minutes when unit tests are ready
    • filed bug 1088526 for the more involved changes, did not move this forward yet
    • also something I'd like to look (in a separate bug): the fact we scroll a lot when rendering MMS, and sometimes at the end we're not in the bottom
  • reviewed bug 1074732: implement a mixin for the selection panels
    • minor comments for the code, but more unit tests needed
  • perf startup improvements (bug 1087329 and dependencies)
    • put some WIP patches without testing them in bug bug 1087981 (notify.js), bug 1089145 (init Sticky Header later), bug 1089154 (we have some CSS rules that may trigger restyle when we don't expect; last-child and nth-child should be avoided)
  • sent a big mail about RTL development to dev-gaia:


  • will do reviews + needinfo
  • will work on bug 1071514
  • will send a mail to the layout ML
  • will send a mail to Jenny&team about Drafts
  • will prepare planning for tomorrow


  • I'm back :)


  • Will read emails/daily minutes/sprint planning
  • Start working on something once finish reading.
  • Will flash my flames with the latest recommended v188 image


bug 1021608: Report panel refresh

see Last sprint's demo

bug 1071514: Remove flickering when attaching an image

See the Youtube video

bug 1078295: Add transitions to menus in SMS and dialer

Thanks Chris Lord!

See the Youtube video

bug 1082908: Background color of contact list should be other than white so that it differ from empty space

Thanks to our contributor Kumar Rishav!


Previous sprints' actions

From 2.1S3:

  • Look into VM with gaia dev environment
    Nothing more done in this sprint

From 2.1S4:

From 2.1S5:

  • in planning for sprint N, we pick some items we want to do in sprint N+1 to ask early questions to UX and Designers (esp refresh bugs, but also bugs with UX changes)
    was done a little this time !
  • we'll add screenshots of panels in Wiki, with the various cases for these panels, to help analyzing change impacts and not forgetting things
    Oleg started this:
  • ask UX about WIP status for v2.2, so that developers can give ideas and feedbacks
    UX is still not ready yet

From 2.1S6:

  • Steve tries to arrange local meetings in the morning ;)
    (Steve) My manager said that I can skip the meetings if not necessary
    (Julien) \o/

What was good in the last sprint

  • I think we did a good job
  • Oleg took his first holidays ! \0/
  • Spend less time on meetings and have a little more time for subteam discussion
  • more external contributors

What was bad in the last sprint

  • Oleg was absent :'(
  • (Julien) I still have have difficulties to focus on the sprint's task and wait until the end to work on them...
    (Oleg) Is it because of blockers that pop in? How can we help here?
    (Julien) I think it's mostly because of me; sometimes I think of ideas and I go too far; maybe I should file a bug, put the idea in it, so that someone else like one of you can take it too? Example during this sprint was the startup performance measurement.
    (Steve) I thought you already created as many bugs as you could ;)
    (Julien) yep but I worked on them a lot already (with a near ready patch). Maybe I should just file a bug and that's it :) sometimes it was just a side effect of another bug (ex: the promise-based resizing), but for the performance thing I should have do less. I'll try for next sprint.
    (Oleg) Yep, I think file-bug-and-forget-for-sometime(at least) is the best approach here
    (Steve) Sometimes we just need to leave the works to others and help if necessary
    (Julien) definitely

Any questions

  • time for standup: 9am CET/4pm Taipei ?
    (Oleg) works for me
    (Steve) Fine for me, but isn't it too early for you?
    (Julien) for me it's just fine, I actually thought the current time was too late now that I do it at home. This will allow me to go to the office earlier too.

Actions for next sprint

  • Julien should file bugs early so that he can leave the ideas alone :) "file bug and forget for some time" (Oleg's expression)
  • standups at 9am CET/4pm Taipei