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Engineering Meeting Details

  • Tuesday 2013-09-24 - 11:00 am Pacific
  • Dial-in: Audio-only conference# 98411
    • People with Mozilla phones or softphones please dial x4000 Conf# 98411
    • US/Toll-free: +1 800 707 2533, (pin 4000) Conf# 98411
    • US/California/Mountain View: +1 650 903 0800, x4000 Conf# 98411
    • US/California/San Francisco: +1 415 762 5700, x4000 Conf# 98411
    • US/Oregon/Portland: +1 971 544 8000, x4000 Conf# 98411
    • CA/British Columbia/Vancouver: +1 778 785 1540, x4000 Conf# 98411
    • CA/Ontario/Toronto: +1 416 848 3114, x4000 Conf# 98411
    • UK/London: +44 (0)207 855 3000, x4000 Conf# 98411
    • FR/Paris: +33 1 84 88 37 37, x4000 Conf# 98411
    • Gmail Chat (requires Flash and the Google Talk plugin): paste +1 650 903 0800 into the Gmail Chat box that doesn't look like it accepts phone numbers
    • SkypeOut is free if you use the 800 number
  • Engineering Vidyo Room / Air Mozilla / MTV Warp Core / TOR Finch / SFO Warfield / PDX Widmer
  • join #planning for back channel


Hot Bugs

(Important bugs for which we need to find owners or additional help. If known, please include suggested team or knowledge needed to advance the bug.)

Orange Factor
  • bug 886999 remains a top non-infra orange (#1 trunk, #5 aurora).
  • bug 872788 - dromaeojs crashes on Windows 7 PGO - jmaher going to investigate and try to get a stack so we can assign this appropriately
    • Suite already disabled on WinXP due to this issue
    • Affects all supported branches
    • Comment 483 suggests possible test issue
    • ctalbert to help find an owner
  • bug 903051 - Intermittent test_bug686942.html | uncaught exception - TypeError: Value being assigned to HTMLMediaElement.currentTime is not a finite floating-point value. at http://mochi.test:8888/tests/content/media/test/test_bug686942.html:26
    • Affects all branches
    • Possibly related to bug 874094?
    • jst to help find an owner

The Need To Know

(Release and system issues that may impact engineering this week.)

Notices/Schedule (akeybl/lsblakk/bajaj)

Next Merge: August 5, 2024 Next Release: August 6, 2024
Central: 130 Aurora: 54 Beta: 129 Release:
  1. REDIRECT Template:Version/Gecko/release/current
  • FF25.0b1 desktop/mobile was launched last Thursday
  • Aurora 26 was unthrottled on Friday
  • FF25.0b2 went to build last night for both mobile and desktop
    • [resolved topcrash] – crash in java.lang.SecurityException: WifiService: Neither user 10061 nor current process has android.permission.ACCESS_WIFI_STATE. at android.os.Parcel.readException(
  • Release Management is following up with Symantec about a toolbar-correlated top crash in FF24, expect unthrottling to be later in the week
  • Beta 3 will be going to build Thursday, for release Friday
36 bugs (17 bugs last week)
52 bugs (54 bugs last week)
Unresolved Aurora 54 Trackers (non-security, not tracked for Beta) Unresolved Beta 129 Trackers (non-security)

Build Changes (gps)

(Build changes of which engineers should be aware.)

  • Add export MOZ_PSEUDO_DERECURSE=1 to your mozconfig for experimental faster building goodness. If you have 64 cores in your machine, the build system will scale up and use them all during C++ compilation. This will eventually be the default building mode. We're working out bugs. This build mode is susceptible to race conditions. Please use it and report bugs.
  • per-directory xpcshell test targets are being removed in bug 901990. Run individual tests via mach xpcshell-test or by using the top-level xpcshell-tests make target along with TEST_PATH.
  • Run mach build-docs to produce in-tree documentation on the build system.

Upcoming Outages/Upgrades

(System outages/upgrades and tree closures that impact engineering.)

  • IT may need 8?10? hour tree closure this weekend (SCL3 network downgrade). Still being investigated. Details in bug 917349. Watch newsgroups for info. (joduinn).
  • Welcome to Balrog! New AUS.

Key Issues

(Non team specific issues that impact engineering.)

Team Stand-ups

(In <2 mins, what did your team accomplish last week, on what is your team working on this week, and on what, if anything, is your team blocked? No questions during the stand-ups. All questions should be asked during the roundtable.)

Accessibility (dbolter)

No update.

Add-on SDK (dtownsend)

No update

App Tools (dtownsend)

No update

B2G Services (dougt)

Developer Tools (robcee)

<Read Only> Landed:

  • Browser Debugger no longer requires a restart to activate bug 917706
  • Deobfuscate/unminify javascripts in the debugger bug 762761
  • First piece of CodeMirror landed, now in Scratchpad bug 912260


  • Break on DOM events in the Debugger bug 800857
  • Back end support for Break on XHR starting
  • new APIs for profiling memory use in real time.

Complete bug list [1]

DOM (jst/dougt)

<Read Only>

  • Event listeners are now using the WebIDL callback mechanism instead of XPCWrappedJS (Bug 862627)

Firefox Desktop (gavin/dolske)

Firefox Metro (jmathies/mbrubeck)

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Firefox Mobile (mfinkle/blassey)

  • We're fresh from a successful work week last week, thank you Toronto for hosting us!
  • For Fx25, the "Nexus 10 crash" has morphed into a hybrid of graphical glitches (fixes landed, you rock benoit) bug 900020 - graphical glitches on Nexus 10/Android 4.3 (was: crash in and the actual crash which is now being tracked bug 920006 - crash in (Nexus 10, Android 4.3)
  • For WebRTC, also Fx25 GCP and jchen did a great job at the work week debugging bug 902431 - crash inwebrtc::videocapturemodule::VideoCaptureAndroid::AttachAndUseAndroidDeviceInfoObjects and we have a r+'d patch for bug 918372 - Repeated WebRTC sessions exhaust the JNI LocalRef table
  • Otherwise, on the front-end we have lot's of changes we'll need uplift. Relman and company has been given a head's up in today's channel meeting but for the benefit of the rest of eng, here's the list to start and we'll be triaging more on thursday. See bug 917394 and

Firefox OS Browser (blassey)

  • event fluffing was enabled in time for 1.2 uplift

Firefox OS Communications (scravag)

<Read Only>

  • 1.3 user stories should be ready in bugzilla today or tomorrow.
  • koi? should be triaged by the end of the week
  • Dual SIM support - DSDS version -
    • Engineering has proposed a bar minimum set of features for 1.3. Product is going to submit it to QC.

Firefox OS Devices/Bluetooth/Porting (mchen)

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Firefox OS Haida (scravag)

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Check the wiki FirefoxOS/Haida for charts and roadmap

  • meta has been created for tracking: bug 918790
  • New Windows manager is under active development
  • Datastore API is awaited in three weeks from now and APIs team is confident to deliver on time
  • UX input for Browser is awaited by the end of next week.

Firefox OS Media Apps (hema)

<Read Only>

  • Last Week
    • Landed DRM FL App
    • Integrate with IAC API and landed Music Album Art on Notification Tray features bug 902974
    • Bug fixes for 1.2 release

(Sprint Details:

  • This Week
    • Continue to work on 1.2 release bug fixes

Firefox OS Media Recording (cjku)

<Read Only>

  • bug 891705 - [MediaEncoder] Implement WebM 1.0 container writer
  • Template:Bug 881840 - [MediaEncoder] Implement VP8 video track encoder
  • Template:Bug 912373 - [Gfx] Support colorlayer for generic HWComposer, like MDP
  • Template:Bug 909176 - [Gfx] Have a preference value to replace all texture by tiny texture
  • Discussed WebRTC/ MediaRecording for 1.3 TODO items

Firefox OS Performance (mlee)

<Read Only>

Last Week

  • 09.20 Sprint completed
    • Scrolling FPS Regression from 1.1 to 1.2 (bug 912134)
    • Calendar Reference Workloads
    • Fixed datazilla m-c regression via configuration change (bug 892965)
      • Datazilla is currently broken due to large eng build sizes
    • Battery Harness for Power Measurement

This Week

Firefox OS Productivity (doliver)

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No update today. Team is working v1.2 bugs and starting on POP3 implementation for v1.3.

Firefox OS RIL/WIFI/NFC (kenhkchang)

<Read Only>

  • Last week
    • Fix Leo+, hd+, and Koi+ issues.
    • RTSP Client, to support rtsp streaming framework.
    • NFC -
      • To implement reading NDEF message for NFCD.
      • To discuss NFC communication protocol with DT.
    • EAP-SIM, to study if we can implement EAP-SIM function without modify wpa-supplicant.
    • Multi-SIM, to enable emulator functions for Multi-SIM.
    • WPA-EAP, to implement key manager function.
    • WIFI-Direct, to do the WIFI-Direct porting on Nexus 4.
    • Network metering, to provide network metering for HTTP, landed.
    • Power metering, to move the power metering function from Gecko to Gaia.
  • This week
    • Fix Leo+, hd+, and Koi+ issues.
    • RTSP Client, to support rtsp streaming framework.
    • NFC -
      • To implement reading NDEF message for NFCD.
      • To discuss NFC communication protocol with DT.
    • EAP-SIM, to study if we can implement EAP-SIM function without modify wpa-supplicant.
    • Multi-SIM, to enable emulator functions for Multi-SIM.
    • WPA-EAP, to implement key manager function.
    • WIFI-Direct, to do the WIFI-Direct porting on Nexus 4.
    • Power metering, to move the power metering function from Gecko to Gaia.

Firefox OS Systems - Front End (gwagner)

  • Finished all must have user stories for 1.2 (new Notifications API, Customizations based on SIM card)
  • Starting to work on 1.3 features:
    • Download Manager
    • Better offline handling (no more blue screen)
    • More features for Notifications (progress bar, persisting)

Firefox OS Systems - Platform (timdream)

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Noted that Taipei have just came back from a long weekend. We are in the process of sorting out v1.3 features and items too.

  • Tablet: v1.2 follow-up works on-going. Need Gecko Support.
  • 3rd-party keyboard framework: keyboard OOP work in review. Gaia devs are working on bug fixing etc.
  • Simplified Chinese IME: no update this week.
  • Gaia build script: no update this week. Firefox Extension to land soon.
  • Window management upgrade: no update. Need to sync up haida/browser integration work.
  • Bluetooth feature support: bug fixing in progress.
  • Internship mentorship (system app unit test): no update
  • Internship mentorship (eng. mode): no update

GFX (milan)

<Read Only>

  • Will enable OMTC on Windows by default in Nightly for testing - will turn off before Aurora
    • There are a few known regressions: tbd
    • This is the preference to turn it back off: tbd
  • Azure content enabled on B2G 1.3 (mozilla-central), but not on 1.2 (mozilla-aurora) with 914984

Identity (jedp)

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JS (naveed)

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  • Last Week
    • Compiler (JIT)
      • bug 918808: Made Array.prototype.join 2-3x faster in many cases
      • Begin lookin into the Peacekeeper benchmark (Tom's Hardware Grand Prix)
      • Worked more on argument-object optimization in Array.slice case, came to conclusion that perf gain wouldn't be worth complexity and remaining effort. Abandoned.
    • Garbage Collection
      • bug 889129: Landed the splay perf fix
      • Browser analysis implemented and landed, with sec-review+. (Both analyses are now failing due to death by swapping.)
    • Front End and Other
      • bug 917489: Found and fixed observer leak in about:memory
      • Continue investigation/debugging of Intl perf issues, in concert with till; last status here was that lazy standard-class init isn't even used in many cases
      • Re-measured browser DOM performance after latest DOM perf fixes. Looks good, only one major deficiency now.
  • Blockers
    • None

Layout (jet/dbaron)

Media (mreavy)

  • Daala - coding party next week in MV office (Sun, Sept 29th to Thurs, Oct 3rd) to move the new video codec forward. No DSP knowledge required. If interested, contact Maire ( Details are developing here. We will feed you!
  • WebRTC is focused on removing any unnecessary in-call audio delay or latency
    • We just found bug 919215 which causes audio delay on MacOS when the internal mic and/or speaker are used.
    • If you're interested in helping us test and debug audio latency during a WebRTC call, please reach out to Maire ( or Randell (
  • If you have any trouble getting a WebRTC call to connect successfully, please file a bug and copy Maire (

Necko (dougt/jduell)

  • New HTTP cache code has landed (pref'd off).
    • browser.cache.use_new_backend (0 - old cache, 1 = new cache).
    • narrow circle of users so far--will widen to dev.platform and/or nightly soon.

Performance (vladan)

  • bug 917764: Crash when asynchronous shutdown clients don't shut down within 60 seconds. This is part of the work in bug 916078 to make shutting down services that perform asynchronous operations safe without each of them spinning the event loop.
  • bug 867757: You can now insert arbitrary annotations into Gecko Profiler profiles instead of just plain string markers. It can be used to track interesting things such as IO, memory usage or other timing information. Eventually this functionality will be extended to record stacks associated with interesting events that aren't captured by profiler samples. Cleopatra UI improvements still to come.

Seceng (tanvi)

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  • Users can now use the AES-GCM ciphersuites if they enable TLS 1.2. Bug 916226

WebAPI (overholt)

  • Anne at TC-39 last week; will help with Promises in ES6
  • Anne and Marcos at Edge Conf (panels on responsive images and offline)
  • DataStore - baku should land today or tomorrow
  • We debated async IDB in workers vs. sync IDB in workers today
    • Jan will likely finish sync IDB first and then move on to async
  • Ehsan looking for UX input on cursors/text selection on Firefox OS on dev-b2g

Quality Programs

(An opportunity to hear about status with the various quality programs that do not have a formal team structure.)

CritSmash (dbolter)

MemShrink (njn)

OrangeFactor (ryanvm)

  • Past week's OrangeFactor: 4.6 (Previous Week: 4.69).
  • 24 intermittent failures fixed in the last week - List - Thanks!.

Stability (kairo/bsmedberg)

  • Overall numbers look good, with the exception of Android 25.0b1, which is plagued by bug 918645 (fixed in b2).
  • To enable tests and fuzzers to find stability and security issues more easily, we need our automated test suites to pass in sanitizers (ASan, etc.) - where are we on those efforts?


(Comments and questions that arise during the course of the meeting or otherwise do not have a section.)

<Read only beyond this point>

Friends of the Tree

There were lots of great changes by volunteers in Core and Toolkit during the past week. Thanks to all of these contributors for their passion and hard work! Here are some highlights:

Mailing List Threads

(Threads that are likely to be of interest to engineering from various mailing lists.)

Good Reads

(Links to blog posts, books, videos, etc. that you think will be of interest to others.)

irc #planning Log From This Meeting

[1:59pm] lmandel:
[2:00pm] Waldo joined the chat room.
[2:02pm] paolo joined the chat room.
[2:02pm] joduinn is now known as joduinn-mtg.
[2:02pm] tracy|lunch is now known as tracy.
[2:04pm] lurk_ joined the chat room.
[2:04pm] lurk_ is now known as vladan1.
[2:04pm] davidb left the chat room. (Ping timeout)
[2:04pm] catlee: I'm curious if these intermittent issues tend more to be problems with the tests or real code problems?
[2:04pm] RyanVM|sheriffduty joined the chat room.
[2:05pm] lmandel: RyanVM|sheriffduty: ^
[2:05pm] catlee: 11:04 < catlee> I'm curious if these intermittent issues tend more to be problems with the tests or real code problems?
[2:05pm] catlee: he just joined
[2:05pm] jhopkins is now known as jhopkins|mtg.
[2:05pm] RyanVM|sheriffduty: catlee: previously we suspected an OOM issue
[2:05pm] davidb joined the chat room.
[2:06pm] RyanVM|sheriffduty: the test issue possibility was a more recent development
[2:06pm] teoli joined the chat room.
[2:06pm] catlee: I meant in general for these top orange issues we've seen over the past months
[2:06pm] tanvi joined the chat room.
[2:07pm] tanvi: gps - can you run mochitests with addons with mach?
[2:07pm] dveditz: "all lines in use, please try later" 
[2:07pm] elan: dveditz: +1
[2:07pm] elan: I'm getting that,too
[2:07pm] tanvi: gps - make had a --install-extensions option
[2:07pm] dveditz: is there a per-room cap? I can dial into my own and a coworker's rooms
[2:07pm] elan: lmandel: ^ fyi
[2:08pm] kar joined the chat room.
[2:08pm] gps: tanvi: we can add it to mach easily enough
[2:08pm] lmandel: dveditz: This is live on air mozilla
[2:08pm] gps: file a bug. testing product
[2:08pm] lmandel: elan: ^
[2:08pm] ted joined the chat room.
[2:08pm] jhopkins|mtg is now known as jhopkins|afk.
[2:08pm] dveditz: what is, the engineering mtg?
[2:08pm] tanvi: gps - okay thanks!  will do
[2:08pm] elan: dveditz
[2:09pm] elan: try now
[2:09pm] lmandel: dveditz: Yes. Thought you were saying you can't connect on the phone
[2:09pm] dveditz: I cannot connect on vidyo
[2:09pm] elan: try again, now. It just started working… I was getting the same message
[2:09pm] dveditz: ok, so there's a 1-way broadcast which is better than nothing, but not a "meeting" at that point
[2:10pm] lmandel: dveditz: Depends if you have something to contribute. You can ping me in irc for questions.
[2:11pm] aki|brb is now known as aki.
[2:13pm] Waldo: haha
[2:13pm] RyanVM|sheriffduty: lmandel: no audibles
[2:13pm] damons joined the chat room.
[2:15pm] lmandel: Call for roundtable items.
[2:15pm] Tyler left the chat room. (Ping timeout)
[2:16pm] dveditz: yes
[2:16pm] RyanVM|sheriffduty: besides running by default on trunk/aurora?
[2:16pm] dveditz: TBPL is running our tests under ASAN
[2:16pm] dveditz: failures are logged, some tests are disabled
[2:16pm] RyanVM|sheriffduty: they are
[2:16pm] dveditz: ASAN tests are now being run on mozilla-aurora as well
[2:16pm] dveditz: and will ride the trains up
[2:17pm] dveditz: (also mozilla-inbound and fx-team)
[2:17pm] RyanVM|sheriffduty: decoder just landed a patch to symbolize them too
[2:17pm] RyanVM|sheriffduty: needs uplift to Aurora still
[2:17pm] RyanVM|sheriffduty: (has been requested)
[2:17pm] dveditz: the symbolizer needs uplift, but the tests are running on aurora
[2:17pm] vladan1: bsmedberg: we can't hear you
[2:18pm] vladan1: (too quiet)
[2:18pm] dveditz: could he repeat that?
[2:18pm] catlee: I didn't hear what he said
[2:18pm] Waldo: Chrome dropping plugins, is what he was talking to -- asking if there were any questions
[2:18pm] dveditz: lmandel; ^^^^
[2:18pm] Waldo: and saying most discussion was in the platform thread
[2:18pm] Waldo: catlee: ^
[2:18pm] dveditz: ah
[2:18pm] Waldo: (yeah, he was quiet, but audible-ish)
[2:18pm] lmandel: dveditz: Thanks for the ping. Note is under roundtable in the wiki
[2:18pm] lmandel: He didn't add anything beyond what's written.
[2:19pm] dveditz: but they support Netflix via EME so they don't need silverlight as badly as we (currently) do
[2:19pm] Tyler joined the chat room.
[2:20pm] davidb: Preeti: should accessibility (Disability Access APIs) be on that list?
[2:20pm] mmayo is now known as mmayo|afk.
[2:21pm] davidb: (is this ffos specific?)
[2:22pm] bmoss left the chat room. (Ping timeout)
[2:22pm] ted left the chat room. (Leaving)
[2:24pm] Preeti: Yes this was ffos-1.2
[2:25pm] Waldo left the chat room.
[2:25pm] vladan1 left the chat room. (Quit: Leaving.)
[2:25pm] davidb: ok