Support:Event Kit

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SUMO Event Kit

IMPORTANT: the information below is about events that focus on improving the state of (also known as SUMO). For all other Mozilla events, not directly or solely SUMO events, please contact directly the people and/or teams responsible.

When to organize a SUMO event?

Generally, the frequency of events should depend on their scale. The bigger the event, the less frequently it happens. Big, global things at Mozilla happen once or twice a year, maximum. Smaller, local events can happen more often, but they should NEVER happen without a clearly defined goal.

Remember: you should always know why you are meeting and what will change after the meeting - already before you meet! :-)

Let’s look at the details...

How to organize a SUMO event?

First of all - take a look around - maybe there's already an event happening somewhere in the area:

If there are some events already happening, contact the organizers and ask about the possibility of co-organizing a SUMO event as part of their event(s). If you need help or support with that, sumo-team(AT)

  • You can also organize a SUMO event as part of some other, bigger event (that does not have to be organized by Mozilla). For this, you will definitely have to contact the organizers of the bigger event to talk about the possibility of joining their event with a SUMO stand or event segment. For example, if the event is organized through Reps, and you want a SUMO segment at the event, Reps would be the team to contact to join the event with this proposal. However if there is no event, see below.

If there are no events in the area, and you still want to organize one, that's great!

Let’s go through the event checklist:

  • Contact your local Rep(s) to get on-the-ground support with further planning
  • Decide on the main theme of the event. Your options are:
  • Do your research and create a document with as much of the information from the following list as possible:
    • Date (when will the event happen?)
    • Time (when does it start and when does it end, exactly?)
    • Place (where will the event take place?)
    • Participants (how many people do you think will take part? do you know their names already?)
    • Schedule (what exactly will happen during the event? when? who will lead that?)
    • Logistics (what items will you need for the event to be successful? this should include all stationery and internet-related needs)
    • Travel (what is the most practical way of getting all participants together if they need to travel?)
    • Food (will the event require food? where will you get the food from?)
    • Accommodation (will the event require people to stay overnight? what’s the most practical place to host the participants for the night?)
    • anything else that you think could be important for the event to happen successfully

Planning ahead like this is not easy, but it will make your life so much easier - trust us!

Share your document with sumo-team(AT), and we will work with you on the next steps.

Important information about event budget

If you need budget, you will be submitting your event to the Participation Team, who oversee all contributor-driven event projects. Your request will be submitted through Bugzilla. The questions above will help you answer their main questions for each and every event they have to decide on supporting (to better allocate the limited resources we have):

1. Which functional area goals is this supporting and how? In case you're still wondering, SUMO events are supporting ... support ;-) (you can also call it "user engagement and volunteer participation"). Specialized events (a Social Support workshop, a Localization sprint, etc.) will be supporting a part of that.

2. What are the event goals? What's success for this event? How are you going to measure it? Each event should have measurable goals, so that you can know at the end of it whether it was successful or not.

3. Why this budget is needed for the success of the event? You should justify your expenses here, giving a general description of what you plan to use the budget for.

4. Detailed agenda Yes, you definitely need this before you start an event! An agenda makes it easier to figure out whether your event will be successful and what support it may need.

5. Detailed breakdown template This document helps you list as many details for all the spending and support you will need as possible. You should attach it to the bug for the event as soon as you have it. This document will also help you keep track of who paid and what for.

6. Are there "optional" costs not needed for the success of the event? Which ones? What the minimum viable budget? Be smart about the money! If you save on something that is not absolutely necessary for your event, everyone will benefit from this - the saved money can go towards other projects.

We are not always able to spend as much as we would like, because there are hundreds of events around the world each year.

If you have questions or are confused about any of the above items, please contact us at sumo-team(AT)

Hackable / Remixable Event Resources

Are you ready to run a SUMO event, presentation or sprint? Check out these resources that will help you to make it truly SUMO!

Feel free to hack on it, personalize it and localize it for your community!

If you do, please upload your language version below and make a category for it (like the one in English).

SUMO presentation templates

Use these presentations to explain:

  • What is SUMO
  • Why SUMO is important
  • How anyone can contribute
  • Loads of cool pictures and fun stuff
  • Many useful links to additional resources

in English

How to contribute to SUMO cheat-sheets

Use these when teaching others how to contribute to different areas of SUMO or give them as hand-outs when holding a SUMO booth.

in English

Print- ready versions in .pdf format:

Easily editable versions in .odt format (do not contain the cool .pdf fonts, sorry!):

T-shirts, stickers, etc.

Here are some other designs you can use for your own promo materials, as created by members of our amazing community:

in English

in French

in German

Need more cool stuff for your event? Please reach out to sumo-team(AT) at least one month before so you can coordinate making your own t-shirts, stickers, and other items locally and expensing it through Mozilla OR receiving some of our own (if possible).

At the moment, you can pick from two SUMO gear providers:

If you are to be reimbursed for your orders, please talk to us before you order anything.


Most of the materials linked from this page have been created by many different contributors to Mozilla's mission. We would like to thank the following people for using their creative skills to support our cause: If your name is missing from this list, please let us know!

  • Michael Verdi
  • Jan Bambach
  • William Kahn-Greene
  • Sashoto Seeam
  • Sean Martell
  • Tara Shahian