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Planning Meeting Details

  • Wednesdays - 11:00am PT, 18:00 UTC
  • Mountain View Offices: Warp Core Conference Room
  • Toronto Offices: Finch Conference Room
  • #planning for backchannel
  • (the developer meeting takes place on Tuesdays)

Video/Teleconference Details - NEW

  • 650-903-0800 or 650-215-1282 x92 Conf# 99696 (US/INTL)
  • 1-800-707-2533 (pin 369) Conf# 99696 (US)
  • Vidyo Room: ProductCoordination
  • Vidyo Guest URL
These notes are read by people who weren't able to attend the meeting. Please make sure to include links and context so they can be understood.

Actions from Last Week

Schedule & Progress on Upcoming Releases

Firefox Desktop

Current Releases

  • FF21.0 looks like it'll stick, congrats!

Beta (129)

Aurora (54)

Nightly (130)

  • FF24 is also planned as ESR24
    • New scheme: planned dot releases of the ESR will be 24.1, 24.2, etc. For sanity the major+minor version will add up to the corresponding non-ESR release. 24.2 ==> 24 + 2 ==> released with Firefox 26
    • "Chemspill" releases will use a third digit, e.g. 24.2.1

Firefox Metro

Read Only

  • Metro Team completed Work Week in Vancouver - View Results
  • Iteration #7 ends this Thursday on May 23.
    • Team has completed 68 points (48%) of total story work.
    • Majority of the remaining work will carry over to Iteration #8.
  • Iteration #7 Review and Planning meeting happens on Friday May 24.
  • Iteration #8 runs from Tuesday May 28 - Monday June 10.
  • On PTO from Friday May 31 - June 12: Asa will be assuming my Metro responsibilities while I'm gone.

Full Query
ID Summary Priority Status
781002 Story - Apply metro styling to the context menu P2 RESOLVED
831905 Story - Secure site indicators in the Firefox app bar P1 VERIFIED
831909 Story - Text selection in Firefox app bar (touch) P1 VERIFIED
831910 Story - Use the Auto-Complete Screen P1 RESOLVED
831913 Story - Use the Firefox app bar in snapped view P2 VERIFIED
831915 Story - Implement Tile Widget and Groups - Part I P1 RESOLVED
833130 Story - Sync passwords P2 VERIFIED
833131 Sync bookmarks -- RESOLVED
833132 Story - Sync history P2 VERIFIED
833133 Story - Sync tabs P2 VERIFIED
833182 Story - Updating Metro Firefox P2 RESOLVED
835623 Story - Combine page contextual items (URL bar, bookmark star, etc.) into single app bar P2 VERIFIED
849312 [tracking] Backlog - Various sync issues P2 RESOLVED
849395 Story - Allow updates via about flyout P2 VERIFIED
850737 [MP] Story - Fix jank in start screen scrolling P2 RESOLVED
855147 Defect: Settings do not persist when closing Firefox from desktop application bar P1 VERIFIED
855663 Defect - On first display, Findbar briefly displays at the top of the screen P2 VERIFIED
856049 Defect - Lower border of "Pair a device" input box is missing P1 VERIFIED
856267 Defect - Context Menu overlapping with the Tab App Bar when visible P1 VERIFIED
857437 Defect - On-screen keyboard (OSK) overlapping app bars and find bar P2 VERIFIED
858598 Defect - Select popups near the bottom of the screen are unusable P1 VERIFIED
859625 Defect - remove obsoleted nsISidebar functions P4 VERIFIED
860899 Story - Fixup all failing mochitest-metro-chrome tests in automation P1 RESOLVED
866065 Defect - ms-windows-store:// links should not need to be opened with an application P1 VERIFIED
867115 Defect - Context menu in snapped view shows the tab bar for an instant P1 VERIFIED
867121 Defect - Snapped view: Favicons too close to text in awesome screen P1 VERIFIED
867163 Defect - Restore tile button doesn't work when context app bar is visible on a second time P1 VERIFIED
867515 Defect - Junior Style "Back" & "New Tab" buttons not displayed when opening links via "New Tab" P2 VERIFIED
867616 Story - Contextual app bar should replace standard/page app bar choices P1 VERIFIED
867641 Defect: Context Bar covers some text when using previous and next buttons in Find in Page P2 VERIFIED
868217 Change - Adjust Sync UI for better information mapping P2 VERIFIED
869237 Change - Move "Paste" after "Select, Select All" in text selection context menu P2 VERIFIED
872159 Defect - Flyout panels have a different border than permissions flyout P2 VERIFIED
872243 Change - Remove the "rainbow" gradients from the start screen P1 VERIFIED

34 Total; 0 Open (0%); 8 Resolved (23.53%); 26 Verified (76.47%);

Firefox Mobile

Current Releases

Beta (129)

Handy Dandy Tracking Page for Fx22:

Confirmed for beta 2
  • bug 857459 - some about:home content is not displayed at first start-up
  • The multilocale build contains Slovak!
  • Beta 1 looks stable at less than 3 crashes per 100 ADU
  • 4.3 stars and we're still trending to positive comments

Aurora (54)

Nightly (130)

  • bug 862763 - nsLayoutUtils::FontSizeInflationEnabled shows up in profiles, but shouldn't <== Looks like this change resulted in a ~14% Tp4 (no chrome) improvement for Android
  • Working to get WebRTC to state where we can pref it on - this is a goal, need to enumerate the plan
  • Also working to converge on Reflow on zoom, slowing down zoom animation is in progress: bug 872139 - Slow down zoom animation for reflow on zoom
  • [PROPOSED] Privileged apps support
  • [PROPOSED] Shumway - v2 branded players
    • Will create a project page for Mobile-specific work when known
  • [PROPOSED] API: Alarm
  • [PLANNED] API: Web activities
  • [PLANNED] API: Contacts
  • [PLANNED] Dynamic Snippets
  • [PROPOSED] About:home redesign


Firefox Sync

Product Announcements

Developer Tools

  • landing refinements for netmonitor, sourcemaps etc in 24
  • Jetpack UX work is increasingly linked to Australis, working to coordinate with Dolske's team to assess scope.
  • Jetpack has a beta bug, currently investigated and Mossop will arrange patching as need be.

Feedback Summary


21 seems quite stable at this point. No urgent issues to report. One small issue to report around UI changes.

Menu Item Change - We are seeing user confusion around moving the "clear recent history" button. Feedback is low at this point, but could increase as more users update. We suggest an educational push similar to the Private Browsing changes.
Scrolling is laggy Comments around scrolling being laggy/mouse only?. May be related to perf problems we saw during the beta.

Untrusted connections (from last week) - Spike died down May 15th/16th.
Updates not completing (from last week) - Only seems to have been May 13th, otherwise, still seeing comments but at a more normal level.


21 is a very smooth and stable release. YAY!

We now have automated feedback tools, please ping Tyler if you want access.

UX & User Research

Fuller update to come (will update the wiki). For now, some highlights:

Market Insights from the Product Marketing Strategy Team


The first Jolla phone was revealed and made available for pre - oder for 399 Euros. A device with a dual - core processor and a 4.5 - inch display, it will be able to run Android apps with the help of Open Mobile's Application Compatibility Layer. It will not support the Google Play Store, though, so applications will need to be loaded through other venues. Besides Android, it will support Qt and HTML5 apps. The value proposition is branded "The Other Half" and speaks to the device's ability to adapt its design, settings and apps as the user applies different hardware elements (like a cover) to it, as it acts through her day. Jolla will be providing a few of them, but it invites collaborators to create those accessories. The device will ship before the end of 2013.

Opera launched the stable version of its Webkit - based Android browser. Based on Chromium 26, the app will likely switch to Blink once Google has integrated it into Chromium. It holds most of Opera's signature features, such as the proxy - mode, Speed Dial home page, and Discover panel, which lets the user browse through the day's top news. Available for Android 2.3 or newer, this version does not support tablets yet and has a 4.4 star rating.

Samsung has acquired a 10% stake in Pantech, the 3rd largest Korean smartphone manufacturer. While significant in the country, the device maker has had little success outside of it, where is sells in the low - end in some of the emerging markets. Another stakeholder in Pantech is Qualcomm with 11.96%.

The 2012 Kaspersky Security Bulletin Board claims that 99% of the newly discovered mobile malicious apps target Android. The rate of discovery is going up, from 8 new unique programs in January 2011 to 8 times that amount at the end of 2012. There are 3 main types of malware: SMS Trojans, that send messages to premium-rate numbers, backdoors which provide unauthorized access and allow the installation of other malicious programs, and spyware as the 3rd category. These 3 types account for 51% of the newly discovered malware.

Telefonica has announced a deal with Samsung to integrate its carrier billing backend into Samsung's mobile services. Using the BlueVia payment APIs, Telefonica's 316 million users who use Samsung's app portals and services would be able to charge content directly to their phone bill. The rolle-out will be gradual, starting with Germany.

ZTE has announced that is will begin selling phones in India with 5 devices priced between $105 and $270. The smartphones will be available in major cities starting with October and could be followed later by tablets. Important because ZTE is one of the top 5 worldwide phone manufacturers and India a country with a great deal of potential in the long - term and staggering growth in smartphones sales of 75% Year - over - Year.

Marketing, Press & Public Reaction

Questions, Comments, FYI

Actions this week