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Planning Meeting Details

  • Wednesdays - 11:00am PT, 18:00 UTC
  • Mountain View Offices: Warp Core Conference Room
  • Toronto Offices: Finch Conference Room
  • #planning for backchannel
  • (the developer meeting takes place on Tuesdays)

Video/Teleconference Details - NEW

  • 650-903-0800 or 650-215-1282 x92 Conf# 99696 (US/INTL)
  • 1-800-707-2533 (pin 369) Conf# 99696 (US)
  • Vidyo Room: ProductCoordination
  • Vidyo Guest URL
These notes are read by people who weren't able to attend the meeting. Please make sure to include links and context so they can be understood.

Actions from Last Week

Schedule & Progress on Upcoming Releases

Firefox Desktop

Current Releases

Beta (129)

  • FF22b1 has gone to build yesterday and is targeted to be release before end of week

Aurora (54)

  • Aurora updates are disabled - will enable on Friday to update to Aurora 23

Nightly (130)

  • Nightly is now FF24 as of 5/13

Firefox Metro

Read Only

  • Metro Team currently in Vancouver on Work Week.
  • Work Week has focused on areas of:
    • Improving our team velocity.
    • Improving our quality levels.
    • Prioritizing our existing Defect Backlog.
    • Removing unnecessary features from our V1 release.
    • Discussions on Aurora and Beta uplift criteria.
  • Team working on Iteration #7 until May 23.
    • 20% of the Iteration work has been completed to date.

Full Query
ID Summary Priority Status
831905 Story - Secure site indicators in the Firefox app bar P1 VERIFIED
831909 Story - Text selection in Firefox app bar (touch) P1 VERIFIED
831913 Story - Use the Firefox app bar in snapped view P2 VERIFIED
831915 Story - Implement Tile Widget and Groups - Part I P1 RESOLVED
833130 Story - Sync passwords P2 VERIFIED
833131 Sync bookmarks -- RESOLVED
833132 Story - Sync history P2 VERIFIED
833133 Story - Sync tabs P2 VERIFIED
833182 Story - Updating Metro Firefox P2 RESOLVED
835623 Story - Combine page contextual items (URL bar, bookmark star, etc.) into single app bar P2 VERIFIED
849395 Story - Allow updates via about flyout P2 VERIFIED
850737 [MP] Story - Fix jank in start screen scrolling P2 RESOLVED
855147 Defect: Settings do not persist when closing Firefox from desktop application bar P1 VERIFIED
855297 Story - Provide a consistent OSK experience for when users have no keyboard and mouse P2 RESOLVED
855663 Defect - On first display, Findbar briefly displays at the top of the screen P2 VERIFIED
856049 Defect - Lower border of "Pair a device" input box is missing P1 VERIFIED
856267 Defect - Context Menu overlapping with the Tab App Bar when visible P1 VERIFIED
858598 Defect - Select popups near the bottom of the screen are unusable P1 VERIFIED
860899 Story - Fixup all failing mochitest-metro-chrome tests in automation P1 RESOLVED
866065 Defect - ms-windows-store:// links should not need to be opened with an application P1 VERIFIED
867115 Defect - Context menu in snapped view shows the tab bar for an instant P1 VERIFIED
867121 Defect - Snapped view: Favicons too close to text in awesome screen P1 VERIFIED
867163 Defect - Restore tile button doesn't work when context app bar is visible on a second time P1 VERIFIED
867616 Story - Contextual app bar should replace standard/page app bar choices P1 VERIFIED
869237 Change - Move "Paste" after "Select, Select All" in text selection context menu P2 VERIFIED
872159 Defect - Flyout panels have a different border than permissions flyout P2 VERIFIED
872243 Change - Remove the "rainbow" gradients from the start screen P1 VERIFIED

27 Total; 0 Open (0%); 6 Resolved (22.22%); 21 Verified (77.78%);

Firefox Mobile

Current Releases

Congrats everyone! New web content fonts, Holo-ish theme changes, distribution file support (themes, bookmarks, pinned sites), Long-tap session history and HTML5 improvements. Overall feedback seems positive.

Beta (129)

Aurora (54)

Nightly (130)


Firefox Sync

Product Announcements

Developer Tools

  • Jetpack shipped yesterday. BOOSH!
  • Aurora 23 aka ( Devtools Episode XXIII: Revenge of the Minotaur )
    • network monitor
    • source maps
    • remote style editing
    • options panel
    • ubiquitous variables view
    • browser console
    • gcli appcache command
    • Web Console in Debugger Frame
    • Multiple Paused Debuggers

Feedback Summary


  • Looking at Feedback, pretty good sized spike in untrusted connections but that seems to have started two days ago (not release related)
  • A TON of feedback on Firefox Health Report ... haven't looked in detail yet but I'll have more next week.
  • Words that are spiking: install, complete (something about updates not completing?)


User-Experience (Design and Research)

  • [User Research] (Bill Selman)
    • User Experience Research in SE Asia.
      • The UXR team has selected three emerging markets to conduct user research in for 2013. The work will be divided into two phases. the first phase will take place this summer and focus on Indonesia and Thailand. The second phase will take place in the fall and focus on India.
      • We are in the process of sending out and reviewing RFPs from potential partner consultancies with experience in these emerging markets to help with the field work and analysis, specifically, services such as logistics, recruiting, and translation.
    • User Type Study Presentation
      • Bill Selman and Cori Schauer have been presenting the results from the Firefox User Types in North America to various groups within Mozilla.
      • A Brownbag presentation of the findings will be presented to Mozilla as whole via Air Mozilla on Tuesday, June 4 at 12PM PST.
  • [desktop]
    • mockups for Australis-era jetpack API toolbar UI (Stephen)
    • [Australis] (Zhenshuo, Stephen)
      • Supporting implementation; working doc
        • UX Nightly has a lot of progress in it; a lot still to come
        • Bugzilla re-org, use whiteboard [Australis:M5], [Australis:M6], and [Australis:M7] for tracking
      • Customization
        • Design details into bugs
        • The Add-ons Bar - coming to decision whether we remove it with Australis; if now, how to show in Customization
      • Help Menu (Zhenshuo, Michael Verdi)
        • Promoting and improving Reset Firefox: bug 872240 & bug 872241
        • FHR as a fallback if reset doesn’t solve the problem
      • also see First-run section, below
  • [Firstrun] (Zhenshuo, Holly)
    • Holly in SF this week - workweek
    • Goal: working prototype for feedback and testing
  • [WebRTC] (Boriss)
    • Creating mockups for next priority sprint user stories (audio communication, text, etc)
    • Making next series of design from where contractors left off
    • Working with team during talkilla workweek in Paris, fleshing out user stories and design work in agile context
  • [metro] WORKWEEK (yuan)
  • [other/future]
    • Design Engineer intern, Jack Montgomery, starting in SF next week!
    • Continued work on our design strategy framework -- more to share next week

Market Insights from the Product Marketing Strategy Team

Desktop / Platform


  • Chrome Web app developers are now able to make use of Google Cloud Messaging for Chrome to enable efficient notifications to Chrome users. Notifications only work when the user is signed into Chrome.



Marketing, Press & Public Reaction

  • PR - out at work week - coverage report to come later
  • Marketing - desktop product marketing currently focused on kicking off Consumer Value Proposition research, as well as conducting an assessment on our strengths & challenges our marketing channels face in key emerging markets.

Questions, Comments, FYI

Actions this week