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Planning Meeting Details

  • Wednesdays - 11:00am PT, 18:00 UTC
  • Mountain View Offices: Warp Core Conference Room
  • Toronto Offices: Finch Conference Room
  • #planning for backchannel
  • (the developer meeting takes place on Tuesdays)

Video/Teleconference Details - NEW

  • 650-903-0800 or 650-215-1282 x92 Conf# 99696 (US/INTL)
  • 1-800-707-2533 (pin 369) Conf# 99696 (US)
  • Vidyo Room: ProductCoordination
  • Vidyo Guest URL
These notes are read by people who weren't able to attend the meeting. Please make sure to include links and context so they can be understood.

Actions from Last Week

Schedule & Progress on Upcoming Releases

Firefox Desktop

Current Releases

  • Firefox 23 is live (10% throttled)
  • 17.0.8 esr Live as well

Beta (129)

  • Firefox 2*4* Beta1 in progress
    • Mobile : Request for spinning Build #2 upcoming due to bug 902453
    • Desktop : We have spun a Build #2 due to bug 902112

Aurora (54)

Aurora (25) is throttled, no updates until end of week

Nightly (130)

Firefox Metro

  • Iteration #12 ends on Monday August 12, 2013.
  • Forecast completion this iteration is 50 - 60 points.
  • Achieving a point closure within the above range would negatively impact our development complete forecasts.
  • QA working on the Iteration #1 - #11 regression testing.
  • A revision of the Backlogs (Story & Defect) and development complete forecasts will be in place for the beginning of Iteration #13 to reflect the work involved in the Metro Preview Release.

Full Query
ID Summary Priority Status
831924 [MP] Story - Access the tabs bar P1 VERIFIED
845152 [MP] Story - NewUI - Access and dismiss the new Firefox app bar P1 VERIFIED
850737 [MP] Story - Fix jank in start screen scrolling P2 RESOLVED
856264 Defect - if context menu visible, tapping and holding another link will not produce new context menu P3 RESOLVED
876816 Defect - Flyouts should have standard widths P3 VERIFIED
886321 Story - APZC metrofx issue tracking P1 RESOLVED
886563 [MP] Story - Browser can display tab-modal, metro-styled prompts - Part I P1 VERIFIED
886942 [MP] Story - Initiate a file download and display the downloads app bar - Part II P2 RESOLVED
888236 Defect - Crash in nsIFrame::GetNearestWidget P1 VERIFIED
890148 Defect - "Find Bar" transition sluggish/slow P2 VERIFIED
890153 Defect -OSK overlapping searched words using "Find in Page" if website not scrollable P2 RESOLVED
891688 Defect - Caret selections not always appearing when tapping inside text areas embedded in iframes P2 RESOLVED
892512 [MP] Story - Alignment and layout issues with StartUI P1 VERIFIED
895457 Defect - "Remember password" buttons are not visible when in snapped view P2 VERIFIED
895515 Change - Firefox Start bookmark tile theme changes based on latest comps P1 RESOLVED
895519 Change - Firefox Start tile theme changes based on latest comps P1 RESOLVED
895669 Change - override about:addons to display a metro custom page P1 VERIFIED
895921 [MP] Defect - Tab bar not appearing when selecting links from flyouts P2 VERIFIED
896097 Change - Remove on-screen buttons when auto-complete is visible P2 RESOLVED
896757 Defect - Remove ">" from narrow version of grid title strings P2 RESOLVED
896766 Defect - Disable tile selecting and context appbar in snapped view P2 RESOLVED
897121 Defect - Browser error: FlyoutPanelsUI.PrefsFlyout is undefined P2 RESOLVED
897175 Defect -Intermittent browser_findbar.js | Show find bar with menu item - Got false, expected true | runTests: Task failed - Error: transitionend event timeout at waitForEvent@chrome://mochitests/content/metro/browser/metro/base/tests/mochitest/head.js:281 P2 RESOLVED
898370 Change - Disable crash reporting when running with -metrodesktop P2 VERIFIED
898457 Defect - Horizontal scroll bar visible in settings and about panels P2 VERIFIED
898651 defect - find in page option in start page is superfluous P1 RESOLVED
899623 Defect - Intermittent browser_topsites.js | This test exceeded the timeout threshold. (this.activeTileset.clearSelection is not a function) P2 RESOLVED
901036 defect - hard to tap on intended links P2 RESOLVED
901094 Defect - Progress bar not showing up for content link clicks P2 RESOLVED
901147 Defect - Js error "Elements.contextappbar.hide is not a function" while running tests P2 RESOLVED

30 Total; 0 Open (0%); 18 Resolved (60%); 12 Verified (40%);

Firefox Mobile

Current Releases

Here's a recap of the roadmap since we're just shipping Fx23 \o/

Beta (129)

Aurora (54)

Nightly (130)

Developer Tools

Feedback Summary


Snippet surveys next week for MCB and Consolidate Search.

  • mcafee seems to be flagging the stub installer as a virus.
  • Seeing quite a few complaints about pulling out the ability to hide tabs. There is an addon to restore this behavior.
  • Seeing some bugzilla chatter around consolidate search. Again, there's an addon to restore this for power users.

More information early next week.


Tracking Android 4.3 issues (SUMO KB Article), not explosive yet, will report as 23 rolls out.

Otherwise, 23 is a good release. Uptick in the overall number of Android sumo threads, but mostly because of the various UI tweaks and new features we released in this version compared to two previous releases that were lacking many user facing changes.

User Experience (Research and Design)

  • The usual - ongoing work on desktop (Australis, first run), Sync setup, metro, Android, FxOS Firefox
  • Design pattens proposal for permissions (notification) UI: design doc [PDF]
  • ALSO: upcoming emerging markets field research in Thailand and Indonesia

Market Insights from the Product Marketing Strategy Team

Desktop / Platform


  • Apple loses lead in tablet market. [1] The trend is clear although the numbers are different from different market research firms - Apple at 32.5% from 60.3% a year ago according to IDC, and at 42.7% from 71.2% a year ago according to Canalys. The major gainer is Android with over 60% share. Apple is still ahead as a tablet OEM with Samsung coming in second at 18%.
  • White House has officially overturned a looming ban by the U.S. International Trade Commission (USITC) that would have prohibited sales and imports of the AT&T version of Apple's iPhone 3G, 3GS, and 4, as well as the 3G-friendly iPad and iPad 2 tablets, starting Monday. [2] While the South Korean government officially voiced "concern about negative impacts the decision by the USTR will have on protecting patents held by Samsung" and Samsung hit back with a new appeal [3], this ruling could throw open patent portfolios of a several players, including Ericsson and InterDigital suits against Samsung and Qualcomm's negotiation power. [4]


  • Chrome browser exposes user passwords in plain-text without additional verification [5]. You can get there via chrome://settings/passwords or Settings -> "Manage saved passwords" -> Show. [6] Google justifies not providing a Master Password saying that they "don't want to provide users with a false sense of security, and encourage risky behavior".[7] Even Sir Tim Berners-Lee weighed in on the debate. [8]
  • Gesture controls appear in Chrome's Canary test build. [9]. This includes swipe left and right to move backwards and forward, support for Windows 8 virtual keyboard in desktop mode launched automatically with focus on a text field or address box, and pinch and zoom functionality. Currently imperfect, but Canary is a test build.
  • Google Fiber's user agreement came into question for net neutrality. [10] Specifically, Google's agreement requires that you should not host any services using a Google Fiber connection, which appears to go against the "No blocking" clause. [11]


  • According to Net Applications, IE desktop market share climbed 2.7% to 56.6%, while Chrome's desktop market share grew 2% to 17.8% since May, its highest mark since October 2012. [12] This reduces the difference between chrome and Firefox to 0.5% per Net Applications' stats.


  • Samsung filed a patent [13] for Samsung Galaxy Gear, a "wearable digital electronic device in the form of a wristwatch" with a flexible display and meant to work with other Galaxy devices [14] and likely preloaded with Android. [15]
  • Internet-connected Smart TVs could be exposing consumers to unexpected security threats due to several vulnerabilities in their version of Linux operating system, Webkit-based browser, and the bundled Internet apps, compromising data stored on the systems via browsing and enabling remote surveillance using the webcam. [16]


  • Yahoo purchased Rockmelt for around $60 million [17] and then killed Rockmelt's aggregation apps and products. [18]

Marketing, Press & Public Reaction


Questions, Comments, FYI

Actions this week