User:Dria/SMW/page 8

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Pr Feature Team Stage Status Feature manager
P1 In-browser translation ` Definition ` `
P1 Focus Mode ` Definition ` `
P1 Plugin keyboard focus Plugins Definition ` Asa Dotzler
P1 Migrate Chrome settings and data Desktop front-end Development In progress Asa Dotzler
P1 Speedy Session Restore ` Development In progress Lawrence Mandel
P1 UI animations Desktop front-end Development In progress Frank Yan
P1 Silent Update Desktop front-end Development In progress Lawrence Mandel
P1 Multi Search Desktop front-end Development In progress Alex Limi
P1 Tab move/detach animations Desktop front-end Development In progress Alex Limi
P1 Firefox Home Tab Desktop front-end Landed In progress Chris Lee
P1 Confirm add-ons on upgrade Desktop front-end Landed Complete Dave Townsend
P1 Network Installer Platform Integration Landed Complete Kev Needham
P1 Automatic Session Restore with Tabs on Demand ` Landed Complete Asa Dotzler
P1 Web Apps Integration to Desktop ` Landed In progress Lawrence Mandel
P1 Hang Detector and Reporter ` Landed Complete Lawrence Mandel
P1 New Tab Page Desktop front-end Landed Complete Chris Lee
P1 Enable Smooth scrolling ` Landed In progress Lawrence Mandel
P1 Windows Start-up Performance improvements ` Landed In progress Lawrence Mandel
P1 Incremental garbage collection JavaScript Landed In progress David Mandelin
P1 Ensure user accepts add-ons installed by third-party apps Desktop front-end Landed Complete Dave Townsend
P1 Cycle Collector Perf improvements ` Landed Complete Lawrence Mandel
P1 Silent Update: Updated workflow for users with incompatible add-ons Desktop front-end Planning In progress Lawrence Mandel
P1 Silent Update: Lessen the showing of the what's new page Release Engineering Shipped Complete Lawrence Mandel
P1 Panorama groups should always persist Desktop front-end Shipped Complete Alex Limi
P1 Improve Responsiveness with Memory Reductions JavaScript Shipped Complete `
P1 Ability to clean up user profile Desktop front-end Shipped Complete Matthew Noorenberghe
P1 Silent Update: Background updates Desktop front-end Shipped Complete Lawrence Mandel
P1 Load Panorama groups on-demand Desktop front-end Shipped Complete Alex Limi
P1 Silent Update: Lessen the display of app update UI Platform Integration Shipped Complete Lawrence Mandel
P1 Simple options for add-ons embedded in the main UI Desktop front-end Shipped Complete Dave Townsend
P1 Highlight the domain name in the location bar Desktop front-end Shipped Complete Dao Gottwald
P1 Theme Refinement and Evolution (Australis) Desktop front-end Shipped Complete Stephen Horlander
P1 Promote Sync in bookmark and password doorhangers Desktop front-end Shipped Complete Jennifer Arguello
P1 Silent Update: Removal of OS security dialog for Windows Platform Integration Shipped Complete Lawrence Mandel
P1 Revamp about:memory Desktop front-end Shipped Complete Nicholas Nethercote
P1 Site-based data management UI Desktop front-end Shipped Complete Sid Stamm
P1 Link plugin checker from AOM Desktop front-end Shipped Complete Dave Townsend
P1 Panel Menu Desktop front-end Shipped Complete Stephen Horlander
P1 Silent Update: Add-ons Default to Compatible Desktop front-end Shipped Complete Lawrence Mandel
P1 Support High Resolution Scrolling on Windows Desktop front-end Shipped Complete Alex Faaborg
P2 Blocklist UX enhancements [Plug-ins] Desktop front-end Definition ` Kev Needham
P2 Replace keyword.URL to follow Search Bar and/or allow independent setting of provider Desktop front-end Definition ` Kev Needham
P2 Add AppTab via distribution.js ` Definition ` Kev Needham
P2 OS dialog for Mac Desktop front-end Definition In progress Chris Lee
P2 Personas Rotator Desktop front-end Definition ` Deb Richardson
P2 Add support for 64-bit Firefox Windows 7/Vista Plugins Definition ` `
P2 Import settings from Sync Platform Definition ` Alex Faaborg
P2 Improve the geolocation UX so it's better connected to the user UX Definition ` `
P2 Streamline Firefox Feature Selection (add-ons and off-by-default features) ` Definition ` `
P2 Disable addons that don't observe "private-browsing" event/opt-in ` Definition ` `
P2 Convert remaining window-modal dialogs to tab-modal Desktop front-end Design ` Justin Dolske
P2 Improve Add-on Installation Desktop front-end Design In progress Jennifer Boriss
P2 Ability to run concurrent channels Desktop front-end Design In progress Alex Limi
P2 OS X 10.7 support Platform Integration Development In progress Alex Limi
P2 Improve Panorama interactions Desktop front-end Development In progress Alex Limi
P2 Improve display of location bar results Desktop front-end Development In progress Stephen Horlander
P2 Eliminate redundant title text Desktop front-end Development In progress Frank Yan
P2 Global App Tabs Desktop front-end Development In progress Paul O'Shannessy
P2 Hide toolbars for app tabs by default Desktop front-end Development In progress Alex Limi
P2 Stub Installer and UI update Platform Integration Development ` Robert Strong
P2 Use PFS2 as Plugin Finder data source Desktop front-end Development In progress Kev Needham
P2 Inline URL autocomplete Desktop front-end Landed Complete Alex Limi
P2 Per-window Private Browsing ` Landed Complete Josh Matthews
P2 Media Controls Refresh Desktop front-end Landed Complete Asa Dotzler
P2 Add People Search to Firefox (Twitter) ` Landed ` `
P2 Panel-based Download Manager Desktop front-end Landed Complete Marco Bonardo
P2 Expose prefs for tabs-on-demand Desktop front-end Landed Complete Alex Limi
P2 Improved missing plugin experience Desktop front-end Planning In progress Justin Dolske
P2 Firefox Share Desktop front-end Planning In progress Chris Lee
P2 Plugin crash comments Desktop front-end Planning ` Sheila Mooney
P2 Provide a standalone feedback button Desktop front-end Planning ` Aakash Desai
P2 Add plugincheck functionality to Add-on Manager Desktop front-end Planning ` `
P3 Allow uninstalling third-party installed add-ons Desktop front-end Definition ` Dave Townsend
P3 Improved themes and Personas selection Desktop front-end Definition ` Dave Townsend
P3 In-flight as-it-happens control of disclosure ` Definition ` `
P3 Make crash reports helpful and easier to access Desktop front-end Definition ` Sheila Mooney
P3 Integrate search engines into the Add-ons Manager Desktop front-end Definition ` `
P3 Expose add-on impact information at AMO and in Firefox Desktop front-end Definition In progress Justin Scott
P3 Remove version from About window Desktop front-end Design ` Chris Lee
P3 All-Windows UI for Panorama Desktop front-end Design ` Alex Limi
P3 Streamline the visual appearance of the search field Desktop front-end Development In progress Alex Faaborg
P3 In-content preferences Desktop front-end Development In progress Jared Wein
P3 In-content UI Visual Unification Desktop front-end Development In progress Blair McBride
Unprioritized Ark - An open dev tools directory WebDev Definition In progress Daniel Buchner
Unprioritized Improve find-in-page Desktop front-end Development In progress Jennifer Boriss
Unprioritized Downloads API Desktop front-end Landed In progress Paolo Amadini
Unprioritized Exception To Silent: What's new? ` Landed ` `
Unprioritized Improved plugin installation and management experience Desktop front-end Planning ` `
Unprioritized Windows Plugin Hang UI Plugins Planning ` bsmedberg
Unprioritized Toolbar Customization Desktop front-end Shipped Complete Stephen Horlander
Unprioritized Add-on hotfixes Desktop front-end Shipped Complete Christian Legnitto & Alex Keybl
` Native Sign In to Website Identity Development In progress `