All Hands

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All Hands are a unique and special opportunity for all paid staff and our most impactful volunteers to come together, in person, to share experiences and interact with people they may not normally work with (or just see over Zoom). Given our size, work weeks are a key differentiator for us (larger organizations just can't do this sort of thing in a meaningful way). Being able to come together as a whole organization, 2x each year, exposes each of us to interactions that may spark new ideas and/or lead to new solutions. They are a core part of our annual planning process.


Locations are selected with input from a small group of Mozillians based on a variety of factors the most significant of which is meeting space availability (need require more than a normal "conference") and number of rooms in close proximity to each other (so we are not spread out and thus limit the amount of serendipitous collision that is part of the work week magic).


Before All Hands, we had Summits, e.g.:

See Also