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Get involved with making Mozilla's web sites even better. This page lists contribution opportunities that you're welcome to work on.

Most of the code on our sites is HTML, CSS, JavaScript and Django (Python) and you can read about how we do web development in the Webdev Bootcamp.

If you have questions or are unsure how you can help, just ask on the webdev forum (to sign up to the forum as a mailing list, go to lists.mozilla.org/listinfo/dev-webdev) or IRC in #webdev or talk to @potch, @groovecoder or @r1cky on Twitter.

Firefox-100.jpg Featured Project: Mozilla.org
Mozilla.org is the main web property for Mozilla products. View List Of Mentored Tasks and Learn More

Website Projects


Having retired the Mozilla.com domain, Mozilla.org is now the main web property for Mozilla products and Engagement. Firefox, Thunderbird, Apps, B2G, Identity and Privacy, plus Press Center, Get Involved and others live under this domain.

addons.mozilla.org (AMO)

The Firefox Add-ons site is a gallery of available customizations for the Firefox Web Browser. This is our highest trafficked website (20K+ hits per second) and uses technology like Memcached, Elasticsearch, RabbitMQ and Celery, and more.


Air Mozilla is the Internet multimedia presence of Mozilla, with live and pre-recorded shows, interviews, news snippets, tutorial videos, and features about the Mozilla community.

developer.mozilla.org (MDN)

The Mozilla Developer Network is our technical resource for developers - including documentation and demos for Mozilla and open web technologies.

See also: Promote MDN WordPress plugin

crash-stats.mozilla.org (Socorro)

Socorro is a server to accept and process Breakpad crash reports from Firefox, Thunderbird, etc.


Careers is the Mozilla jobs listings system.


MLS is an open service which lets devices determine their location based on network infrastructure like WiFi access points and cell towers.


Most user know Plugin Check from pointing their browsers to mozilla.org/plugincheck but, there is a lot more to it than a single web page. There are some really interesting and challenging problems to help solve, from QA automation to improving the flow of reporting plugin updates and a whole bunch of JavaScript to be improved.

Find out how you can get involved with PluginCheck


Pontoon is Mozilla's Localization Platform.


Mozilla runs a number of WordPress sites, and has developed a number of WordPress plugins.


We've got lots of libraries we've written, many of which are looking for help.


Django library providing OIDC based authentication.


Django library for warning people about attempted security intrusions.


Django library for creating metrics using Graphite and Statsd.

Learning Web Development

If you're interested in learning more about web development and how the web works, you may be interested in our Webmaker project: