QA/Execution/Web Testing/Mission

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Web QA Team Mission

Our mission is to provide data, services and tools to positively impact the quality of Mozilla websites.


We provide data to help make better quality decisions. This includes performance and reliability metrics, test results and bug reports.


We provide a range of services from long term commitments to one time engagements, such as:

test coverage automation test automation CI community events
test plans testing recommendations functional UI testing user advocacy
site monitoring load testing security testing accessibility testing
manual/ exploratory testing community engagement/onboarding integration testing performance testing


We develop and contribute to open source tools, such as:


Project Testing Jenkins Status
Add-ons automationregression testingmanual testingtest plan Automation
CI Active
Marketplaceautomationregression testingmanual testingtest plan Firefox OS Automation
CI Active
Mozilla Developer Network (MDN) automationtest planfeature testingcommunity engagementload testingrisk assessmentL10Nregression testing Automation N/A Active
Mozilla.orgautomationtest planfeature testingcommunity engagementload testingrisk assessmentL10Nregression testingfunctional UI testingaccessibility Automation CI Active
Mozilliansautomation Automation
CI Active
MozTrapautomation Automation
CI Active
QMO feature testing Automation N/A Active
One and Done automationtest planfeature testingcommunity engagementregression testingrisk assessmentmanual testingfunctional UI testing Automation
Open Features and bugs
CI Active
Socorroautomation Automation CI Active
SUMOautomation Automation
CI Active
Treeherderautomation Automation CI Active