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Get involved with making Mozilla's web sites even better. This page lists contribution opportunities that you're welcome to work on.

Most of the code on our sites is HTML, CSS, JavaScript and Django (Python) and you can read about how we do web development in the Webdev Bootcamp.

If you have questions or are unsure how you can help, just ask on the webdev forum or IRC in #webdev or talk to @potch, @groovecoder or @r1cky on Twitter.

You will earn these distinct Mozilla WebDev badges:


Website Projects


Having retired the Mozilla.com domain, Mozilla.org is now the main web property for Mozilla products and Engagement. Firefox, Thunderbird, Apps, B2G, Identity and Privacy, plus Press Center, Get Involved and others live under this domain.

addons.mozilla.org (AMO) / marketplace.firefox.com

The Firefox Add-ons site is a gallery of available customizations for the Firefox Web Browser. This is our highest trafficked website (20K+ hits per second) and uses technology like Memcached, Elasticsearch, RabbitMQ and Celery, and more. Firefox Marketplace uses the same code base as AMO and focuses on providing a rich portal for users to be able to buy and sell open web apps on their desktop and mobile devices.

support.mozilla.org (SUMO)

Mozilla Support is the support site for Mozilla products. It helps millions of users every week through a knowledge base and support forum. It also provides collaboration and localization tools for the contributors. It uses technology like Python, Django, MySQL, Redis, Memcached, Elasticsearch and more.

developer.mozilla.org (MDN)

The Mozilla Developer Network is our technical resource for developers - including documentation and demos for Mozilla and open web technologies.

See also: Promote MDN WordPress plugin

crash-stats.mozilla.org (Socorro)

Socorro is a server to accept and process Breakpad crash reports from Firefox, Thunderbird, etc.

mozillians.org (Mozillians)

This is a great first project to get involved! Mozillians is our community directory for core Mozilla volunteers and staff. It's a tool used by everyone involved with Mozilla, and it's the primary way that Mozillians can find each other. There are both front-end and back-end development opportunities, and we have mentors from the team to guide you through your first contributions.

reps.mozilla.org (ReMo)

The Mozilla Reps site is where Mozilla Reps report their activities and share the events they run. There are both front-end and back-end development opportunities, and we have mentors to help you with your first contributions.


Firefox Input is the user feedback system.


Careers is the Mozilla jobs listings system.

WordPress plug-ins

Mozilla has a number of WordPress plugins - from adding Mozilla-driven web technology features to helping promote Mozilla.


We've got lots of libraries we've written, many of which are looking for help.


Django library providing BrowserID/Persona based authentication.


Django library for warning people about attempted security intrusions.


Django library for creating metrics using Graphite and Statsd.

Firefox OS

If you are interested in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, we could also use your help building our new Firefox OS. Find out more about how to help with that:

Learning Web Development

If you're interested in learning more about web development and how the web works, you may be interested in our Webmaker project:

Monthly Challenges

Want to learn more about web development? Try your hand at the Dev Derby, our monthly web development challenge. While some entries are very impressive, you absolutely do not need to be an expert to get started. In fact, many of our best contributors tell us that they knew nothing about the monthly topic before the challenge started.

Web Technology Demos

The Mozilla Demo Studio is a platform for showing the world what you can do with the Web. Not an expert? No problem. Some of the most interesting demos (like Santa's Media Queries) are actually pretty simple under the hood. As long as you have a sense of creativity and a passion for making things better, we would love to have you.